For best results the salt concentration in the pool water is required to be within an average
range of approximately 4,000 to 5,500 parts per million (ppm). These fi gures are temperature
dependant. In summertime, as water temperatures rise, salt levels may require slight reduction
while in wintertime the reverse may be true to allow optimum performance of your unit.
Calculate the water volume of your pool as follows: average length x average width x average
depth in metres. Multiply this answer by 4. The answer is the amount of salt in kilograms you
need to add to increase the salinity of your pool from fresh water to above 4,000 ppm (the
recommended minimum salinity level for this chlorine generator).
Using only refi ned swimming pool salt add the desired quantity to the swimming pool water.
To assist in the rapid dissolving and mixing, sweep or brush the solids until they are fully
dissolved. Undissolved salt may result in staining your pool fi nish.
As salt is heavier than water it will continue to lie at the deepest point of your pool, even
though the salt granules themselves have fully dissolved. In order to ensure adequate and
permanent distribution of salt throughout the pool water, we recommend additional sweeping
and fi lter operation over a 12 – 24 hour period. Ensure that salt is totally dissolved before
commencing chlorinator operation.
How to raise salinity from existing levels
To raise salinity, take the diff erence between the desired level and current level of
salinity, divide by 1000 and multiply by known pool volume. The fi gure is the amount of
salt in kg needed to raise to the desired level.
For example:
Current level: 3200 ppm
Desired: 5000 ppm
Pool volume: 50 m3
5000 – 3200 = 1800,
1800/1000 x 50 = 90kg of salt