Section 7: Maintenance
warm water and detergent; follow the steps below:
Rem ove the in let and ou tlet tubing an d detach the flowm eter from the main
circuit board.
Remove the flowm eter end caps and submerge in detergent solution. Slosh
water back and forth using the ball as a self-cleaning agitator. Follow with a
rinse in clean wa ter.
Air dry a nd reinsta ll.
Programmable Timer
A single AA alkaline battery powers the prog rammable timer. It should last at least
6 months. S ince the clock an d timer are sealed electronic devices, an y failure
requires re placem ent of the en tire unit.
Battery Pack
Remove the battery pack top using a P hillips screwdriver and look for loose
connections. The battery charger board should be securely clamped to the banana
jacks and the push on wire connectors securely attached to the battery. Tighten and
clean any connections if corroded. The battery charging jack should be checked for
a snug fit with charging transformer plug.
Cleaning/Inspecting Pump Valves and Diaphragms
After continued use, the pump valves and diaphragms will become dirty or worn.
This con dition usu ally man ifests as an irr egular flow rate or an in ability to
accurately adjust the flow rate. The pump may be unable to achieve or sustain a
maximum flow rate (above 6 lpm). When these conditions occur, the pump valves
must be cleaned or replaced. While the pump diaphragms are not usually affected
by dirt, they will beco me w orn and n eed repla cemen t.
The side of the pump on which the valves are worn or dirty is easily determined by
pinching the inlet tube s leading to the pum p (first one side and then the other).
Under normal conditions, the flow rate will drop by the same amount for both sides
as the lines are restricted. If the flow rate drops less for one side, the valves on that
Airmetrics MiniVol Users Guide
side need cleaning or replacing.
When cleaning or replacing valves and diaphragms, replace or clean
valves and
diaphragms. (A "Double Diaphragm Pump Rebuild Kit" can be obtained from
Remove the pump head using a small Phillips head screwdriver. Beneath the
pump head are two identical sets of three small circular rubber valve fittings
(an O-ring, a white flapper valve, and a solid valve seat with a small diameter
center hole). Note that the flapper valve fits
the O-ring and the valve
seat, and that the two valve sets are inserted in reverse order to each other
, on one set the O -ring is on top, on the oth er the O-ring is on the bottom).
Carefully remove one set of valves using a pin or clip. Inspect each component
for damage. Small cracks and imperfections can have a major impact on pump
performanc e. Clean each valve part with a su itable silicone lubricant.
comp onent an d replace in the sam e order. R epeat for th e other va lve set.
Screw on the pump head, taking care to match the alignment peg on the side of
the pump head with its companion on the body of the pump.
Repeat for opposite side of the pump.