Section 5: Integrated Gas Sampling
Program the on/off cycles for the de sired sampling p eriod (see page 9 ).
10. Press the ON/AUTO/OFF button once to set the timer to "Auto" mode. The
sampler must be in Auto m ode before the operator leaves.
11. Place pump and timer assembly into sampler body. Replace bale assembly bar
and canisters, and connect tubing.
12. Using the hoisting pole, hook the bale and raise the sampler as vertically as
possible to the m ounted mo unting cradle (see F igure 4.4).
Gas Sample Retrieval
As soon as possible after the end o f the sampling p eriod, the operator sh ould return
to the monitoring site to retrieve the filled bags. If a particulate sample is being
collected simultaneously, refer to Section 4, “Particulate Matter Sampling” for
proper particulate sample retrieval procedures.
For a quick reference to the following steps, see Appendix C, "Integrated
Gas Sam pling Routine at S ite."
Lower sampler from cradle using the hoisting pole. Positioned directly under
the sampler, hook bale and lower away as vertically as possible. This vertical
take-away is critical since the hook may dislodge or damage the rain cap or
sample r head. A lso, the w eight is m ore easily m anaged if the sam pler is
lowered vertically (se e Figure 4.4).
With the sample r on a firm level surfac e, unscre w either c ap of the b ale
assembly bar and remove bar assembly. Detach canister tubing at the mini
quick-connect fittings and remove canisters.
Lift pump and timer assembly out by the top cap and rest on the edge of the
sampler body, taking care not to pull the connecting wire loose. Hold the top
cap. Do NOT grasp the circuit board.
Verify correct time and day of week on time LCD.
Record elapsed tim e as show n on the e lapsed tim e accum ulator, wh ich shou ld
match the programmed time set at the beginning of the sampling period.
Airmetrics MiniVol Users Guide
Check and record the fullness of the bag(s), adjusting the pulse interval or
duration if necessary.
Program tim er for new sam pling period (see pa ge 9).
Set to "Auto" mode.
Change b attery pack (see pa ge 28).
Important Note:
The Valve Sequencing Board automatically resets when
the sampler's main power is interrupted. This is why the battery must be
setting the s equenc ing circuit.
10. Check the Active Solenoid Output Indicators to make sure that the desired
starting channel has been selected. Use the Manual Sequence Advance Button
to select the required channel if necessary.
11. Lower pump and timer assembly into sampler body.
12. Replace bale bar assembly, attach new canisters, and connect tubing.
13. Using the hoisting pole, hook the bale and raise the sampler to the mounting
cradle as vertically as possible.