Section 4: Particulate Matter Sampling
Figure 4.1.
Mounted Sampler
Airmetrics MiniVol Users Guide
Figure 4.2.
Tubing Configuration for PM Sampling Mode
Before tra nsporting the Min iVol to the field, perform a laborato ry check to
determine if it is operational. Turn the sampler on and observe the motor
performance. Check all tubing for crimps, cracks or breaks. Conduct a flow check
with a "dummy" filter in place to simulate the load against the sampler pump.
Investigate and correct any malfunctions before proceeding. Perform a single-point
flow rate check using a soap-bubble meter or other flow measuring device of
known accuracy and compare to the curve established during calibration. The flow
should b e within ± 15% of 5 lpm at current c onditions . If the unit fails to operate
in this range, check the sampler for o bvious crimp s, battery malfunc tion,
. The
sample r must be repaired o r recalibrate d if the flow criteria are n ot met.
The pa rticle size cu t point of the presepa rator is a fun ction of the velocity w ith
which the air stream passing through the preseparator hits the target. The
preseparator is designed to have the correct cut point at an air flow rate of 5 lpm at