Chapter 5. Web Interface Configuration
Air Live IAS-2000 User’s Manual V1.0
Enter a keyword of a username that you wish to search in the text filed and click this button to perform
the search. All usernames matching the keyword will be listed.
Room No.:
The room number of the PMS user.
The login name of the PMS user.
The login password of the PMS user.
Remain Time:
The total time/Volume that the user can use currently.
The status of the account. Normal indicates that the account is not in-use and not overdue. Online
indicates that the account is in-use and not overdue. Expire indicates that the account is overdue and cannot
be used.
Expire/Valid Time:
Valid Time
indicates the duration of time that the user needs to activate the account
after the generation of the account. If the account is not activated during this duration, the account will
self-expires. The
Expire Time
indicates the duration of time that the user can use the account after the
activation of the account. After this duration, the account will self-expires.
Delete All:
This will delete all the users at once.
This will delete the users individually.
This is used to increase the remaining time of the account. When the remaining time or data quota is
insufficient, the user has to pay for adding credit at the counter and the user will get a new username and
Billing Configuration:
Click this to enter the
Billing Configuration
screen. In the
Billing Configuration
screen, Administrator may configure up to 5 billing rules.