Chapter 5. Web Interface Configuration
Air Live IAS-2000 User’s Manual V1.0
Enter any integer number within the range of 2~4094 as the Tag for this VLAN segment.
Two modes are provided: NAT mode and ROUTER mode.
1. NAT:
All IP addresses externally connected through the VLAN port (these IP addresses must belong to
the same network for the VLAN port) will be converted into the IP addresses of the WAN1 port by IAS-2000
and onward to outside the network.
2. Router:
All IP addresses externally connected through the VLAN port use its original IP address for
external connections. Thus, IAS-2000 acts like a Router.
IP Address:
Enter the desired IP address for setup.
Subnet Mask:
Enter the desired Subnet Mask for setup.
VLAN DHCP Configuration
Disable DHCP Server:
Disable the function of the DHCP Server.
Enable DHCP Server:
If you want to use the DHCP Server function, you must set it up properly. Related
information needed on setting up the DHCP Server is described as follows: DHCP Pool Start IP Address,
DHCP Pools End IP Address, Preferred DNS Server, Alternate DNS Server, Domain Name, WINS Server,
Lease Time, and Reserved IP Address List. See the following figure.