July, 2016
The American Products / Air King Vacuum is manufactured in a variety of configurations to
meet diverse customer needs. This manual has been prepared to aid service personal in
installing, diagnosing and repairing American Products Inc. equipment.
In general they come in one type of cabinet styles and three different models.
1. K52 Standard 2 Motor Vacuum 1200 series cabinet. (vacuum only)
2. K552- Two Motor Vacuum with ¾ H.P. Compressor 1200 series Cabinet.
(Air Vacuum)
3. K52-9 Standard 2 Motor with Remote Air Solenoid 1200 series Cabinet
(Air Vacuum Remote)
The Cabinets for the models listed above are made out of 16 gauge stainless steel.
Each of the basic models comes with a variety of optional features.
1. Models can be set up for free operation or coin operation.
2. Cut resistant hose (Air Vacuum & Air Vacuum Remote units only)
3. Single hose reel assemblies (Air Vacuum & Air Vacuum Remote units only)
4. JB 7 Lock Box for coin box security.
The model number and serial number appear on a metal tag, bearing the American
Products Inc. name (See Figure1 below). The identification tag is found inside the upper
Figure 1.
Technical Support:
Our technical support staff is available at 1-800-542-3336 during normal business hours to
answer any questions regarding machine operation, components or spare parts. When
calling for technical support it is extremely helpful to have the serial # and machine model #
readily available.
Air King of America, Inc.
710 Frontier Way,
Bensenville, IL 60106