The IXG Support Tool has a collection of optional features accessed by changing the top menu option
from the default Basic to Advanced.
Welcome Screen
Direct Call List
Access Codes
On the left-hand side menu, expand
Entrance Station Settings
. These settings are used to customize the
layout, background image, access codes, and other Entrance Station (IXG-DM7-*) features.
Building Selection Button can be enabled if an Entrance Station at one building should give the option to call
Units in other buildings.
The Welcome Screen is what is shown to a visitor as they approach and initially interact with the Entrance
Station. This screen can be enabled or disabled, and a custom image may be added. The custom image
should be 480 x 800 in size, and in .PNG format.
At the top of the screen, under Length
, enter the common length of every code that will be added. Once a
length is decided, click
Add Access Code
to add codes to specific stations, or manually add codes to the list
below. Codes can be copy and pasted for convenience.
Create Access Codes
to allow residents or known visitors to enter the building by entering a code at the
Entrance Station. Up to 9,999 codes can be created.
At the top of the screen, use the drop-down options to select the Building number and Entrance Station to
create access codes for. Once these are selected, click
The Direct Call List
allows for the creation of individual call buttons for each Unit, with a maximum 100 Units.
Edit what Unit search and call methods are displayed on the Entrance Station home screen when used by a
visitor. By default,
Call by Unit Number
is enabled and is the only option displayed. Several other methods
may be enabled, and a drop-down selection under
Default Display Screen
sets which will be shown first.
Call by List
will display all Units on a scrollable list,
Search by Name
allows Units to be directly searched by
Entrance Station Settings
Once the code is set, and the setting file is uploaded, the code may be used to enter the building. To use the
code, tap A then enter the code.
Ex. A9999
Upload Settings to Stations
The final step is to upload these setting changes to the IXG stations. To upload the settings to each station,
on the top menu and click Upload Settings. Find more information on
page 8