Our technicians and engineers are constantly working to improve both the firmware (the ap-
plication that manages your device) and the software (the application you install on your PC).
Each time a new firmware and/or software version is available the icon here above appears
with an arrow indicating that something is available for download (otherwise the icon only
shows the cloud).
Click it and freely download the new applications.
MXS 1.2 Strada can receive RPM value from the ECU. If on the contrary your vehicle does not
have an ECU you can sample RPM using pin 21 of MXS 1.2 Strada 23 pins connector.
Once the new firmware has been downloaded connect your device to the PC via Wi-Fi to per-
form a firmware upgrade. In a few seconds the device is ready.
8 New firmware upgrade
To get the RPM from the ECU you only need to connect your MXS 1.2 Strada to the ECU and it
will automatically sample that value.
Please note
: if your vehicle ECU can be reached through an OBDII plug, a dedicated harness
for MXS 1.2 Strada AMP 14 pins connector is available, as shown at the end of this user guide.
9.1 RPM from ECU
If your vehicle has no ECU you need to connect pin 21 of the device 23 pins connector harness
to the ignition system. This way MXS 1.2 Strada can read the signal form the low voltage of the
coil (whose peak can be from 150 to 400 V) or from a possible square wave (the peak can be
from 5 to 50 V). The image below shows an example of wiring of the ignition system.
9.2 RPM via a 5-50V square wave or coil
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