Drive Assist and speed trap alert settings
Select between an audible
voice alert, a beep only type
of alert or to switch the alert
off completely.
E-speed will alert you if you
exceed a preset speed limit.
For example, if you want
to be alerted if you exceed
the posted speed limit by
more than 5mph, move the
slider until the number 5 is
displayed. Move the slider
back to zero to switch the
feature off.
Switch on to hear an
audible alert when the
speed limit changes.
Eg. from a 30mph zone
to a 40mph zone.
Switch on to share
and receive live alerts
of mobile speed trap
locations with other
users. Please note that
you need to pair you
sat nav with an internet
enabled smart phone
or iPhone to use this
feature. Full instructions
can be found in the
main user manual.
Switch Drive Assist
mode on or off.
When switched on,
Smart Mute will only
provide an audible
speed trap alert if you
are travelling above the
posted speed limit.
Navigation software
Please refer to the main user manual for full instructions explaining how to use the
navigation software and other features included on this device.
Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that the speed limit data included on this
device is as accurate as possible, it is the driver’s responsibility to check and adhere to
the posted speed limit of all and any roads at all times. It is also the driver’s responsibility
to always drive with due care and attention and to observe the laws of the road. Please
retain these instruction and warnings for future reference.
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31198 Aguri A5 56pp AGR760 Manual.indd 27/06/2022 10:49 (80.00) - 42 -
31198 Aguri A5 56pp AGR760 Manual.indd 27/06/2022 10:49 (80.00) - 42 -