Agilent InfinityLab LC Series Multicolumn Thermostats User Manual
Site Requirements and Specifications
Performance Specifications
5 min from ambient to 40 °C
10 min from 40 °C to 20 °C
<30 min from 25 °C to 100 °C
Solvent heat
Individually quick-installable for every column. Available at 1 µL
internal volume, 0.075 mm i.d. capillary (ultra-low dispersion),
1.6 µL internal volume, 0.12 mm i.d. capillary (standard) and 3 µL
internal volume, 0.12 mm i.d. capillary (high-flow).
Valve options
1 x integrated valve drive as option
2 x external valve drives as option
to host user-exchangeable Quick Change valve heads (up to
1300 bar) of different formats:
2-position/6-port, 2-position/10-port, 4-column selection (4-posi
tion/10-port) up to 800 bar, 6-column selection (6-posi
tion/14-port), 8-column selection (8-position/18-port).
Valve heads are automatically identified by their RFID tag.
Column identifica
Optionally, column identification kit to track history of up to eight
columns. Mounted on left- and right-hand side of module.
Instrument control
LC and CE Drivers A.02.11 or above
Agilent Instant Pilot (G4208A) B.02.19 or above
InfinityLab LC Companion (G7108A) 1.1 or above.
Lab Advisor B.02.06 or above
For details about supported
software versions refer to the
compatibility matrix of your ver
sion of the LC & CE Drivers.
Controller Area Network (CAN)
G7116B is a hosted module.
(The LC stack needs to contain
suitable host module or a LAN
card for communication and
Maintenance and
safety-related fea
Extensive diagnostics, error detection and display (through
Instant Pilot control module and Agilent Lab Advisor), leak detec
tion, safe leak handling, leak output signal for shutdown of pump
ing system.
Low voltages in main maintenance areas. Door-open sensor.
GLP features
Valve heads carrying tags with serial number, pressure rating,
number of switches and valve type.
Concept of column identification.
All materials recyclable
Requires LC and CE drivers A.02.12 or above
All specifications are valid for distilled water at ambient temperature (25 °C), set point at 40 °C and a stable flow range from 0.2 - 5
mL/min. Equilibration time: 10 min.
Table 3
Performance Specifications G7116B