Checking Your Agilent DNA 7500 and DNA 12000 Assay Results
DNA 7500 and DNA 12000 Sample Well Results
DNA 7500 and DNA 12000 Sample Well Results
To review the results of a specific sample, select the sample name in the
tree view and highlight the
sub-tab. The electropherogram of the
sample well window should resemble the one shown here.
Figure 4
DNA peaks of a successful sample run
Major features for a successful DNA sample run are:
All sample peaks appear between the lower and upper marker peaks. If
some sample peaks are outside the marker bracket, adjust the upper or
lower marker. Please refer to the 2100 Expert User’s Guide or Online Help
for details.
Flat baseline
Baseline readings at least 5 fluorescence units (see Zero Baseline in the
User's guide or Online Help for details of how to see the baseline readings).
Marker readings at least 3 fluorescence units higher than baseline readings.
Both marker peaks well resolved from sample peaks (depends on sample).