9. Use (2) of the supplied Velcro straps to secure
the receiver battery in place. Install the Velcro
straps as shown below.
10. Use the supplied foam to isolate the receiver bat-
tery from vibration. It will be necessary to loop
the foam to achieve the proper thickness as
shown below.
11. Finished radio installation shown below. Use
receiver mounting Velcro (supplied with Smart-
Fly EQ6) to mount the receiver to the power
12. The Xtreme Power Systems TattleTale was in-
stalled in this aircraft to ensure the receiver was
seeing constant voltage. This device will monitor
voltage provided to the receiver and alert the pi-
lot if the voltage dropped below an acceptable
level in flight. This small simple device will give
the pilot piece of mind after every flight and will
ensure your model lasts for many seasons. Avail-
able from Aeroworks