Lab Nebulizer System Instruction Manual
This section describes how to clean, sterilize, and inspect Aeroneb
Lab components.
Nebulizer unit (including filler cap).
To clean unit between uses for the same subject
1. Disconnect the control module and cable from the nebulizer unit.
2. Remove the filler cap from the nebulizer unit.
3. Clean parts with warm water and mild liquid detergent. Rinse thoroughly and air dry.
Do not use abrasive or sharp tools to clean the nebulizer unit.
4. Check for cracks or damage, and replace if any defects are visible.
5. Place the disassembled components into appropriate sterilization wrapping.
Do not reassemble parts prior to autoclaving.
6. To sterilize, autoclave wrapped parts using steam sterilization pre-vacuum cycle, 132
C -135
(270°F - 275°F) for 3 - 4 minutes with drying cycle.
7. Prior to next use, check for cracks or damage, and replace if any defects are visible.
8. Prior to next use, perform a functional test as described in this manual.
It is recommended that the device be cleaned after each use to ensure proper nebulization
Control module, AC/DC adapter and cable.
1. Wipe clean with a damp cloth.
2. Do not autoclave.
3. Check for exposed wiring, damaged connectors, or other defects and replace if any are visible.
4. Perform functional test as described in this manual before re-use.