7.8. SNMP.
This unit can be remotely managed using SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) using
one of the many client pieces of software available in the market, even for free. SNMP allows
monitoring of the status of several pieces of equipment from very diverse manufacturers and
natures, as well as elaborating reports, generate e-mail alerts, etc.
In order to add and equipment to the list of units managed by the client, it is necessary to have
access to its “MIB” file (Management Information Base), that describes its SNMP capabilities
(alarms it can generate, accepted commands, manufacturer information, etc.).
7.8.1. Getting the Phoenix STRATOS MIB file.
The MIB file corresponding to the unit can be downloaded from the Web interface without
installation of any additional software. In order to do so, in the MAINTENANCE section, you can
access the link “Download MIB” under the “SNMP” section.
If you follow that link, the text file will appear. Now you just need to right-click on it and select
“Save as…” and browse a suitable destination folder (see the manual of the selected SNMP
For more information, please consult section 4.10 of this manual and section 6.5.1 of “AEQ
ControlPHOENIX” application manual.
7.9. Remotely rebooting the equipment.
Sometimes a remote equipment can work abnormally or become unreachable by the remote
control software as a result of a communications error or in the unit itself. A method has been
developed in order to remotely reboot the audiocodec, so normal operation is recovered.
Inside MAINTENANCE, at the bottom of the screen, you can find “SYSTEM REBOOT” section.
By clicking on “Reboot” button, an information dialog will appear warning that the equipment is
being rebooted and it will be disconnect for some seconds after acceptance (“Resetting system
... please wait a few seconds before connecting again”).