Protection class
IP 65
365 x 265 x 50mm
approx. 2.0kg
Working temperature
0° C to +70°C
Storage temperature
-20°C to +70°C
Maximal humidity
95% at +50°C (non-condensing)
Electric requirements
Supply voltage
0.3V (Id 1000495, 1000496)
24V ± 0.3V (Id 1002492, 1003745, 1004083)
Check the identification plate
Maximal current
approx. 1.2A for 12V device
approx.. 1A for 24V device
Current consumption in standby mode (antenna off)
approx. 0.15A
RS 232
Power supply
Don’t use a switched-mode,
but a linear regulated power supply.
Interface – RS 232
Via the serial interface the ARE i5 is communicating with it’s control unit (e.g. with a terminal program on
the PC). The configuration parameters must be 19200 Baud transfer rate, 8 data bits, no parity and one stop
bit (8N1). There is no hardware handshake (Xon/Xoff or RTS/CTS) supported.
Cold start
After a cold start the reader is initialized with the parameters saved in the internal nonvolatile memory. Eve-
ry changed parameter is automatically saved. The device starts with the same configuration it was switched