Calling Conditions From an Instrument
3.6.2. Calling Conditions From an Instrument
Example Calls the current channel and stimulus related settings values.
Adds declare_bis.bas and bis_macro.bas to the standard module in advance.
Assume the first argument in the API function, lngID, is defined separately as an external
variable. Place bis.dll in a folder that can be recognized by Visual Basic.
Private Sub cmdRead_Click()
Dim Actch As Long
Dim Segcnt As Long
Dim seg(1601) As SourSeg
' Secure a 1601 segment size array.
Call QryMeasAct(lngID, Actch)
' Calls the measurement channel.
Call QrySourSeg(lngID, seg(0))
' Calls stimulus settings.
Call QrySourSegCoun(lngID, Segcnt) ' Calls the number of segments.
End Sub
(VB 2008)
Adds MdlDeclare_bis.vb and MdlBis_macro.vb to the standard module in advance.
Assume the first argument in the API function, lngID, is defined separately as an external
variable. Place bis.dll in a folder that can be recognized by Visual Studio.
Private Sub cmdRead_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Even-
tArgs) Handles cmdRead.Click
Dim Actch As Long
Dim Segcnt As Long
Dim seg(1601) As SourSeg
' Secure a 1601 segment size array.
Call QryMeasAct(lngPID, Actch)
' Calls the measurement channel.
Call QrySourSeg(lngPID, seg(0))
' Calls stimulus settings.
Call QrySourSegCoun(lngPID, Segcnt) ' Calls the number of segments.
End Sub