Chapter 4
Single-Sample Micro-Osmometer Service Guide
Figure 15: Calibration screen (before beginning Calibration procedure)
Follow the on-screen instructions to test samples
from each specifi ed standard fi ve times.
You will test samples of known standards:
either 50 and 850 mOsm/kg H₂O for a 2-point
calibration; or 50, 850, and 2000 mOsm/kg
H₂O for 3-point calibration.
For instructions on the testing procedure, refer
to the Osmo1 User Guide (133005UG).
After each successful calibration test, a green
checkmark appears in the calibration matrix
(Figure 16) and the unit prints “DONE” for that
calibration test.
If a single calibration test fails or is canceled, the
system prompts for a retest using a new sample.
If two failures occur within the same standard
group, that calibration fails and the screen displays
the message “Two replicate failures” (Figure 17).
Upon completion of the last calibration test, the
system displays a “Calibration successful” message
(Figure 18) or the reason for failure.
Figure 16: Calibration screen (calibration in progress)
Figure 17: “Two replicate failures” error message
Figure 18: “Calibration successful” message
to close the success (or failure) message.
When you close a success message, the system
returns you to the Home screen.
When you close a failure message, the system
clears all checkmarks and returns you to the
Calibration screen (Figure 15). From there, you can
restart the calibration or exit to the Home screen.
When calibration is successful, the instrument calculates
a new calibration slope and intercept and saves those
values to memory.
If a calibration test fails or is canceled for any reason,
the instrument does not save that calibration data;
instead, it maintains the last successful calibration.
The date of the last successful calibration is displayed
on the Calibration screen.
4.4 Canceling calibration
You can cancel the calibration test in progress or the
entire calibration procedure at any time.
Canceling the test in progress
To cancel the particular test in progress, retract the
sample handler cradle. The system prompts you to retest
with a new sample.
You can cancel individual tests as often as
necessary. Cancellation of an individual test does
not count toward the limit of two failures within a
calibration set.