ADOS S.R.L. Buccinasco (MI)
Rev. 9
Page 14 of 77
2.6 Key
Press this key (with the instrument in the Gross mode and the weight stable) to clear the divisions
indicated on the display within the limits set by the configuration of the “AZM limit” parameter.
Press this key to toggle between the Gross and Net condition.
Press this key (with the instrument in NET mode and the weight stable) the instrument will copy the
current value of the gross weight into the tare value, thus clearing the net weight value. Press this
key (with the instrument in the GROSS mode ) the instrument shows the actual tare value.
Press this key to enter the configuration modality.
Press this key to perform a print request on the primary serial port. The request takes effect only if
the serial port is configured for “print on request”.
If the unit is configured for SET POINT operation, pressing these keys the operator can edit the
values of thresholds 1 to 9 without passing from the configuration mode.
Note: if the serial line is active, the status flag still reports the “configuration” indication.
If the unit is configured for NET operation, pressing these keys the operator can edit the values of
parameters relevant to charge components 1,2 and 3 or to discharge component without passing
from the configuration mode.
Note: if the serial line is active, the status flag still reports the “configuration” indication.
If the unit is configured for NET operation, pressing these keys the operator will enter the
production totalizer display
If the unit is configured for NET operation these keys have no meaning.
Date display. Press this key (with the unit in GROSS) to display the current date, expressed in day-
month-year, for 2 seconds.