NIBP Controller
Owner’s Guide
equipment that does not carry the appropriate safety symbol (see Safety
Symbols above).
Always check the status indicator on the front panel. It will always flash green
each time the stimulator delivers a current pulse. A yellow flash indicates an
‘out-of-compliance’ (OOC) condition that may be due to the electrode contact
drying up. Always ensure that there is good electrode contact at all times.
Electrodes that are left on a subject for some time need to be checked for dry
contacts. An electrode impedance meter can be used for this task.
Always be alert for any adverse physiological effects in the subject. At the
first sign of a problem, stimulation must be stopped, either from the
software or by flicking down the safety switch on the front panel of any
built-in Isolated Stimulator or the ML180 Stimulus Isolator.
The ML180 Stimulus Isolator is supplied with a special transformer plug
pack. The plug pack complies with medical safety requirements.
Therefore, under no circumstances should any other transformer be used
with the Stimulus Isolator. For a replacement transformer plug pack please
contact your nearest ADInstruments representative.
General Safety Instructions
To achieve the optimal degree of subject and operator safety, consideration
should be given to the following guidelines when setting up a PowerLab
system either as stand-alone equipment or when using PowerLab equipment
in conjunction with other equipment. Failure to do so may compromise the
inherent safety measures designed into PowerLab equipment. The following
guidelines are based on principles outlined in the international safety
standard IEC60601-1-1:
General requirements for safety - Collateral standard:
Safety requirements for medical systems
. Reference to this standard is required
when setting up a system for human connection.
PowerLab systems (and many other devices) require the connection of a
personal computer for operation. This personal computer should be certified
as complying with IEC60950 and should be located outside a 1.8 m radius
from the subject (so that the subject cannot touch it while connected to the
system). Within this 1.8 m radius, only equipment complying with IEC60601-
1 should be present. Connecting a system in this way obviates the provision of
additional safety measures and the measurement of leakage currents.
Accompanying documents for each piece of equipment in the system should
be thoroughly examined prior to connection of the system.
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