NIBP Controller
Owner’s Guide
Safety Symbols
Devices manufactured by ADInstruments that are designed for direct
connection to humans are tested to IEC 601-1:1998 (including amendments 1
and 2) and 60601-1-2, and carry one or more of the safety symbols below.
These symbols appear next to those inputs and output connectors that can be
directly connected to human subjects.
The three symbols are:
BF (body protected) symbol. This means that the input connectors are
suitable for connection to humans provided there is no direct electrical
connection to the heart.
CF (cardiac protected) symbol. This means that the input connectors are
suitable for connection to human subjects even when there is direct
electrical connection to the heart.
Warning symbol. The exclamation mark inside a triangle means that the
supplied documentation must be consulted for operating, cautionary or
safety information before using the device.
Further information is available on request.
Bio Amp Safety Instructions
The Bio Amp inputs displaying any of the safety symbols are electrically
isolated from the mains supply in order to prevent current flow that may
otherwise result in injury to the subject. Several points must be observed for
safe operation of the Bio Amp:
BF symbol: Body-
protected equipment
CF symbol: Cardiac-
protected equipment
Warning symbol: ‘see
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