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The stand-alone mode configuration menu is presented in Table 2 and Figure 8 below.
VA refers to the Volt-Amps in an airfield load and is measured by reading the RMS
voltage, measuring the RMS current, and multiplying these two numbers together.
Watts corresponds to the amount of power actually consumed by an airfield load. These two
numbers are only equal in the case of a purely resistive load. In systems with reactance
(capacitance or inductance), power from the source enters the reactive portions of the load,
and returns to the source, un-used. This additional unused energy is the difference between
the VA and Watts delivered to a system. The power factor of a load is the ratio of the power
(watts) used by a load, to the volts and amps (VA) that are delivered to the load. This is
always less than or equal to 1.
It is important to remember that all electrical components in a power system are designed to
deliver the necessary VA the system needs in order for it to consume the watts it needs.
Table 2:
ACE2 Stand-Alone Configuration Short Reference
Button Action
, 3
, 3
, 1 modify
Menu Item
Possible value
CCR Config
CCR Type
Generic, Heavy
Heavy Duty is an older brand name, which requires an additional output
line (B1, B10) to turn on and off the regulator. If this regulator is not in use
adjust setting to Generic.
CCR Class
6.6A, 20A
ADB Airfield Solutions sells two regulator output types. 6.6A and 20A
output. Based on the regulator choose the correct current output.
CCR Style
3 steps, 5 steps ADB Airfield Solutions sells two regulator step types, 5 step and 3 step.
Based on the regulator choose the correct Step Configuration.
Line Frequency
50Hz, 60Hz
Depending on the location, the input voltage frequency may be 50Hz or
Set the ACE2 to the correct frequency for the area.
Ramp Interval
0.5s, 1s, 2s, 5s
When adjusting the steps of a regulator it is necessary to have a slight
delay between steps. The Ramp Interval sets the amount of time the
regulator stays at a step before moving on to the next step.
IRMS Config
Meg Voltage
Disabled, 50V,
500V, 1000V
Select the Meg Voltage based on the regulator. The smaller regulators
voltage protection triggers if higher Meg Voltages are used, but the higher
the Meg Voltage, the more accurate the reading.
Meg Period
5min, Hourly,
Daily, Weekly
Set how often to Meg the field circuit
Disabled, 100K,
300K,1M, 3M,
10M, 30M,
Select a resistance value to be notified at depending on the field circuit, it
may vary.
Resistance Alarm
Disabled, 100K,
300K,1M, 3M,
10M, 30M,
Select a resistance value to be notified at depending on the field circuit, it
may vary.
LOM Config
LO Warning
Disabled, 1-15
Select a Lamp out value to be notified at depending on the field circuit, it
may vary.
LO Alarm
Disabled, 1-15
Select a Lamp out value to be notified at depending on the field circuit, it
may vary
Meg Now
Perform a Meg right now
Meg Timer Reset
Reset the current Meg timer to start over with the count.
LO Calibration
See “Lamps-Out Calibration for Stand-Alone Mode” on page 19 for