Adash 4900 – Vibrio M
Further technical and contact information can be found at
How to evaluate the failure
The instrument shows measurement results on several separate screens. We shall describe basic
rules for their use.
Overall RMS values
- Machine symbol - this line shows RMS velocity vibration value in mm/s or ips, which is
excited on the machine by mechanical phenomena related to:
- imbalance of rotational parts of the machine (fan wheel, impeller, clutch wheel etc.),
- incorrect axis alignment of the assembly – misalignment,
- mechanical looseness of individual machine parts,
- large free play in seating of rotational machine parts (shaft - bearing, shaft – bearing
- clutch free play (e.g. free play on a shaft, pressed out grooves and tongues),
- loose or worn out machine anchor bolts,
- defective base,
- insufficient frame or anchoring flange rigidity,
- damage to machine rotation parts - (bent shaft).
- Bearing symbol – this line shows RMS acceleration vibration value in g, which is excited by
a condition of bearing. This condition is related to:
- time wear of the bearing,
- bad lubrication (with new bearings as well),
- incorrect installation (with new bearings as well),
- abrading of bearing.
The thermometer symbol is drawn together with the bearing. The temperature color is used
according the actual measured value.
SPEED - The machine speed is displayed at the bottom part of the screen (if it is available). RPM
means revolutions per minute. The instrument performs automatic detection of machine revolutions
using a spectrum analysis. This function does not have to be always successful, because the
revolutions may not be possible to read for every spectrum. If the speed is not determined, it is not a
malfunction. It is hard to do it, for example, in machines with gears.
If the speed is available, then
vibration values have been coloured corresponding to
vibration limits. Machine conditions are divided into 3 levels, which have the same colours like traffic
Machine is in good condition, no defect is found. The operation is without restrictions.