The Instructions Manual must be stored carefully and must accompany the machine in all the
changes of ownership that the latter could be subject in its life cycle.
Storage must be favoured by handling it carefully, with clean hands and without placing it on
dirty surfaces.
No parts must be removed, torn or arbitrarily changed.
The Manual is filed in an environment protected from dampness and heat and very close to the
machine to which it makes reference.
The Manufacturer is deemed liable only of the Instructions edited and validated by the latter
(Original Instructions); any translations MUST always be accompanied by the Original In-
structions, in order to check the correctness of the translation. Anyhow, the Manufacturer is
not deemed liable of translations not approved by the latter, therefore, if incongruence is de-
tected, attention must be paid to the original language and eventually contact the commercial
office of the Manufacturer, who will make the changes deemed appropriate.
The Manufacturer reserves the right to introduce changes to the project, variations/impro-
vements to the machine and updates to the Instructions Manual, without prior notice to the
However, in the event of changes to the machine installed at the Customer’s premises, agreed
with the Manufacturer and involving adaptation of one or more Chapters of the Instructions
Manual, it will be the task of the Manufacturer to send to the Customer the parts of the In-
structions Manual concerning the change, with the new overall revision model thereof. It
shall be the Customer’s responsibility, by following the indications accompanying the updated
documentation, to substitute in all the copies in the latter’s possession the parts not valid any
longer with the new ones.
AF 3000 - AF 3000 TAG