SDR2-CF/SDR2-OEM-CF Configuration Guide rev 1.0
Configuring the DataBridge SDR2-CF
with it. Typical communications software used is HyperTerminal™ which is
included with Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT 4.0/2000/XP. Many other
terminal programs are widely available for Windows, DOS, linux, and other
platforms. To access HyperTerminal, click the Windows start button and
choose Programs, then Accessories, then Communications, and then
Configure HyperTerminal to communicate using the serial port you
connected to the SDR2-CF, the appropriate baud rate (115,200 bps by
default), and the serial data format parameters (must be 8N1). See Section
3.2 if you wish to change the SDR2-CF’s configuration port serial
parameters from the default 115,200 bps 8N1.
Once the SDR2-CF is connected to your computer and you are running
terminal software the SDR2-CF Configuration menu should appear (see
Figure 1.) in your terminal window. If you don’t see the Configuration
menu, try typing
to refresh the display.
By default the SDR2-CF’s ANSI mode is on. ANSI mode results in a more
clear and readable display. The color user interface also continuously
updates time and status information. By default, HyperTerminal settings are
configured to communicate with the SDR2-CF. The default settings are
pictured in Figures 1.4 and 1.5:
Figure 1.4. The default settings under “New Connection
Properties” in HyperTerminal.