ActivePure Cell
Power Switch
Service should only be performed
by a qualified electrician. Make
sure the power switch is turned off
and wiring is disconnected prior to
1. Remove 8 bolts to disassemble the
backing from the ventilation panel.
2. Remove screws holding the
ActivePure Cell in place.
3. Slide the used cell out and discard.
4. It is recommended maintenance to
vacuum off the vent openings and
clean the underside of the unit if
any dust build-up has accumulated.
NOTE: A face mask should be
worn to prevent inhalation of any
particles released into the air during
the process. Eye protection may be
necessary when cleaning the unit
from below while it is mounted in
the ceiling.
5. Slide the new cell into place.
Replacement part:
ActivePure Cell (Ozone-Free)
Item # 9950174
6. Reinstall the screws securing the
new cell into position.
7. Replace the backing using the
same 8 bolts previously removed.
8. Mount unit back into ceiling.
9. Reconnect power supply
connections and turn the power
switch on.