1 . Disconnect (unplug)
power cord from unit .
2 . Remove the (4) thumb nuts .
3 . Remove the unit from the
mounting plate .
Power Cord
5 . Remove the used
ActivePure Cell from the base
unit and dispose of the bulb
properly .
4 . Remove the two thumb
screws holding the
ActivePure Cell .
6 . Plug the new ActivePure Cell
into the base unit . Be sure
Air Flow / Honeycomb Cell
direction is correct .
• UV Light in operation; disconnect unit from power cord before
servicing; failure to follow warnings may result in severe eye damage
• If the unit is hard wired, be sure the power to the unit is off; always
follow OHSA electrical lockout safety requirements to prevent
accidental release of energy during service or maintenance activities
7 . Secure with (2)
thumb screws .
8 . Insert the unit into the
mounting plate .