Active S.r.l.
Via Delmoncello, 12 – 26037 San Giovanni in Croce (Cr) – ITALY
Tel. +39 0375 91742 Fax +39 0375 91684
In case of raining or excessive due in the place where to use the pruner the usage is not
advised. The pruner are provided of protection against humidity but the usage under the rain
or in condition of humidity it's not guaranteed as it can damages the pruner.
It's necessary the usage of safety shoes, glasses and protective gloves for both hands during
the usage of the pruner.
The vibrations and the noise produced during the working of the machine are inside the limit of
law and can't damage the user. (Sound pressure level superficial<70dBa; mechanical vibration
at empty system hand/arm<5 m/s
Ref. Fig. A
This machine has been designed to effect the standard pruning job normally made by manual scissors,
not with saws, not with branch lopping double hand or other cutting machines like electric saws or motor
saws etc.
During the usage of the machine it’s forbidden having wrong or dangerous behaviour which will cause an
excessive effort of the machine and of all component of the pruner:
When the blade do not succeed in cutting the branch because of an excessive diameter or of
an excessive hardness of the wood or because of a bad sharpening of the blade you mustn’t
for any reason to force the pruner with lever movement from up to down and viceversa, not
even laterally or turning the body of the machine.
No movement of the arm or of the hand must be added to the movement of the blades. The
lever movements above describe cause an excessive effort inside the head of the cut with
the result of damaging irreversibly the machine and all its component: teeth of the pinion,
electric motor, adapter, frame, blades and electronic components.
The damages caused on any component of the machine for an excessive effort are not due to
manufacturing defects but only to a WRONG OR INADEQUATE usage and there are no reason
of warranty.
Ref. Fig. A
At the end of the pruning campaign take into account the following indications, warnings and advices:
We advice to bring the machine to an authorized centre assistance to make an annual
maintenance verifying the battery and motor conditions and of all its component.
ATTENTION: do not make this maintenance can reduce the life of the machine.
Before to put away the machine for long time after the pruning campaign you have to make a
complete recharge of the battery.
This charge must be repeated every 4 MONTHS and, however every time that for a maximum
of 4 MONTHS that the machine is not used.
IMPORTANT: If you do not practice this precautions, the autonomy and efficiency of the
battery reduces significantly and there’s no warranty.
The machine must be preserved in a fresh and dry ambiance with the body detached from the
power unit and the battery charger not connected.
We advice to keep the pruner always clean like the backpack batteries preserving it from
humidity and from extreme temperatures, cold and hot. We advice also to prevent the movable
and fix blade from oxidation.
Ref. Fig. A
When the machine is working it’s necessary and very important to keep excellent conditions of the
machine especially the blade to guarantee the best condition of the cut: