Active S.r.l.
Via Delmoncello, 12 – 26037 San Giovanni in Croce (Cr) – ITALY
Tel. +39 0375 91742 Fax +39 0375 91684
3) C. 100%: Total number of cut at maximum conditions, of maximum absorption – when this limit
is exceeded. (excessive effort).
4) C. 66%: Numero totale di tagli in condizioni comprese tra 66% e 100% del massimo
assorbimento (sforzo elevato).
5) C. 33%: Total number of cuts in conditions between 33% and 66% of the maximum absorption
(Average effort). The number of cuts at low effort (from 0% to 33) you obtain it calculating the
6) Iav1=; Iav2=: Average of electric absorption in the life of power unit. The useful data for the
after-sale activities.
7) Charge: Percentage of the state charge of the battery.
8) H:M: Total Hours and minutes about the usage of the power unit (switched on).
9) Rel: Release (release) of the installed software (power unit only).
To run with the trigger the elements of the menu confirming the desired one with button F.
Elements of the Menu Pruner Data (D12,D14,D15):
1) SN: Serial Number of the body Pruner. The serial number starts with C, the following characters
are the same as the correspondent power unit.
2) Tot. Cuts: Total number of cuts made by the body of the pruner, independently from the type of
cut. If the body has been connected with many power net, the indicated number is the total of the
3) C. 100%: Total cut number in condition of maximum absorption – when this limit is exceeded
(excessive effort).
4) C. 66%: Total Cut number in condition between 66% and 100% of the maximum absorption.
(high effort).
5) C. 33%: Total cut number in conditions between 33% and 66% of the maximum absorption
(average effort). The number of cuts at low effort (from 0% to 33%) you obtain it calculating the
6) Part. C : Partial cut number starting from the previous maintenance. This value is reset at the
voucher of programmed maintenance. This data is present only on the body (the voucher doesn’t
concern the external card).
7) Iav1=: Average of electric absorption in the life of the body of the pruner. Information useful for
the after sales activities.
8) Rel SW: Release of the installed software (the body only).
To run with the trigger le elements of the menu confirming the desired one with button F.
Every Screen of the display concerns a single memorisation (D16).
The number positioned in high on the left corresponds to the memorized event, the first who is viewed is
the latest saved (ex. 9 of 9).
With the trigger you can run through the pages starting from the most the latest one.
The viewed data are the following:
Date of the event.
Serial Number of the connected body.
Number of charges of the battery.
Number of connections of the body.
Number of cuts for level of absorption (high, medium, low).
The information of this page is useful for all after sales activities.