Active S.r.l.
Via Delmoncello, 12 – 26037 San Giovanni in Croce (Cr) – ITALY
Tel. +39 0375 91742 Fax +39 0375 91684
display stays D2, indicating date and hour, condition of the battery charge in addition to the written
At the ignition, in case it appears the written D3 on a display with a symble on the left as indicated in the
picture, it means that the cable of the body is not connected (or not correctly connected). At these
conditions it’s not possible to start the cutting cycle. You have to switch off the Power Unit pressing the
button 8 on the postion II and linking correctly the cable of the body and repeating the ignition
If at the moment of starting on the display there are others alerts or warnings, pleae read the paragraph
relative to the alarms following the information given there.
Ref. fig. A, fig. B
After the ignition of the machine, before to start cutting, it’s necessary to make some quick checks:
The charge of the battery indicated on the display must be sufficient for the time stated of
work. It’s possible to read the exact percentage of the charge battery through the usage of
multifunction menu. (see its paragraph).
On the display there mustn’t be present any alarms ( see its paragraph).
The blades must be in good condition and correctly sharped: blades in bad conditions are the
reason of an excessive effort and malfunction of the machine in addition to the bad quality of
the cutting. To sharp frequently the blades with the given sharpening stone, it allows to
maintain the movable blade in excellent condition.
The double cutting function can be programmed (33%, 50%, 66%) and deactivated from the
menu (see the relative paragraph). According to the necessity and to the dimensions of the
branches to cut, regulate and activate or disarm this function.
The progressive cutting function can be deactivated from the menu (see the relative
paragraph). According to the necessity you can activate or disarm this function.
Important advices for a correct usage of the machine:
To use always the gloves for the protection of your hands and the glasses for the protection of
your eyes. To use Certified Personal Protective Equipment only.
To handle the body of the machine in a steady and safe way (A1), pushing the trigger with the
index finger.
To use the scabbard every time you have to place the body to have your hands free. The body
has to be inserted into the scabbard with closed blades. (See the paragraph concerning the
turning off of the machine).
You can activate the cutting cycle pressing the cutting trigger up the desired position. Every time you
release the trigger, the cutting cycle stops and the movable blade opens again up to the complete
opening position.
When this function is on, it’s possible to modify the opening of the blade in a way that it doesn’t open
completely (100% - A2), but only partially (33% - A3, 50% - A4, 66% - A5). This function is useful for
cutting of branches of small dimensions.
If the function is on, to change the opening, press the trigger 1 and holding down for less then 3
seconds. The blades closes and you can hear a double short sound signal. At the re-opening of the blade,
for the next cutting the opening position of the blade will be partial. To come back to the complete
opening to repeat the operation.
To being useful in all the situation this function can be removed from the menu (see the relative