Active S.r.l.
Via Delmoncello, 12 – 26037 San Giovanni in Croce (Cr) – ITALY
Tel. +39 0375 91742 Fax +39 0375 91684
In case of the pruner body not connected it’s possible to enter the menu using the button F and the
button 8 in position II instead of the trigger. The next explanations refer to the case the body is
You enter the menu with the button function F pushing it for half second. You can enter the menu in any
situation, with the power unit on: before the initial reset, with pruner ready for the cut, in stand-by. As
soon as you entered the menu, the body of the pruner even if it is connected, it’s not active anymore.
The trigger assume the function of mouvement inside the menu.
The beginnig of the page of the menu is: MAIN MENU (D5). In this page, with the trigger you can run the
functions with the button F you give confirmation.
Elements of the Main Menu: (D5, D6, D7):
1) Information: to view many information in relation to the power unit (external) to the body card
(internal) and other memory data. See 8.4.
2) Half cut-HC: Modification of the setting of half cut. See 8.8.
3) Progr. ON/OFF: ON/OFF of the progressive cut. See 8.9.
4) HC ON/OFF: ON/OFF of the half cut. See 8.10.
5) Date Modification: Modificaton of date settings. See 8.11.
6) Hour Modification: Modification of hour setting. See 8.12.
7) Language: Language modification. See 8.13.
8) Exit: Output from the menu. Pushing F, the machine comes back the previous modality.
To run with the trigger the elements of the menu and confirm the desired one with button F.
Elements of the Information Menu (D8, D9):
1) Power Unit data: View of many data in relation to the power unit only (external card). Ex: serial
number, state of charge of the battery (exact percentage), number of executed cut (independently
from the body of the pruner on which the power unit has been connected). It deals of useful data in
case of maintenance or reparation of the power unit.
2) Pruner data: View of many data in relation the Pruner only (internal card).
Ex: serial number, cut numbers (the body only, independently by the power supplì used).
It deals of useful data in case of maintenance or reparation of the pruner.
3) Memorizations: To view many cutting data memorized by the electronic control during the life of
the machine. It deals of functioning parameters useful for the after sales activities. The user can
read these data and eventually communicate them to the reparation centre to improve the technical
4) Previous Menu: Exit from Information Menu. Pushing F you come back to the Main Menu.
To Run with the trigger the elements of the menu and confirming the desired one with button F.
Elements of the Menu Power Unit data (D10,D11,D12):
1) SN: Serial Number of the Power Unit. The Serial Number starts with A, the following characters
are the same as those of the correspondent body.
2) Tot. Cuts: Number of cuts made by the Power unit, indipendently from the cutting type. If the
power unit has been connected with different body, the indicated number is the total of the power