sound4.wav – Sound number 4
sound5.wav – Sound number 5
sound6.wav – Sound number 6
sound7.wav – Sound number 7
sound8.wav – Sound number 8
sound9.wav – Sound number 9
sound10.wav – Sound number 10
sound11.wav – Sound number 11
sound12.wav – Sound number 12
sound13.wav – Sound number 13
sound14.wav – Sound number 14
sound15.wav – Sound number 15
sound16.wav – Sound number 16
start.wav – Engine start sound
run.wav – Engine running sound
stop.wav – Engine stop sound
The P110 will not recognise sounds with other names. If a sound is not
present on the SD-Card, the unit will skip playback if it is selected. This
includes the engine sounds. For example if there is no engine start sound,
the engine run sound will play as soon as the throttle stick is moved from
the neutral position.
Sounds 1-8 will each play just once, whereas sounds 9-16 will play
continuously until stopped – by selecting a different sound. It is
recommended that you omit one sound file, say sound 9, which can then be
easily selected to stop a repeating sound (if there is no file stored as sound9
the P110 will simply stop whichever sound was looping) This will not
interfere with the engine sound.