Important notes, short overview
Analogue telephone set
Lift the receiver of your telephone set and
enter a telephone number. If you hear to-
nes or a crackling noise during the dial-
ling process, you have an analogue tele-
phone set. Also refer to ”Pulse dialling”
and ”Tone dialling”.
Authorization for external calls (has to
be programmed during configuration)
You are allowed to make external calls
from your telephone.
Automatic connection to external line
Immediately after lifting the receiver you
have a connection to the central office.
Basic access
”Telephone connection” the EURACOM is
connected to. With two external lines. May
be a PABX system connection or multiple
subscriber connection.
Central office, public exchange
Exchange of your network provider. From
there telephone calls are switched to the
desired subscriber.
Company authorization (must be pro-
grammed during configuration)
The authorization to change settings for
other subscribers. If the EURACOM is
separated in two companies, only for the
own company.
Connection to external line
You get a connection to the central office.
You hear the dialling tone from central of-
(Subscriber, conversation
partner ...)
Not connected to the EURACOM.
External lines
Lines making ”outside” (external) calls
Hand transmitter
Handy equipment with telephone keys,
making it possible to operate the
EURACOM from a telephone set with
pulse dialling. Often used for remote
control of answering machines.
(Subscriber, conversation
partner ...)
Connected to the EURACOM. Internal
telephone numbers are 2-figured (e.g.
ISDN telephone set
Lift the receiver of your telephone set
and enter a telephone number. If you
neither hear tones nor a crackling noise
during the dialling process, you have an
ISDN telephone set.
Master authorization
(has to be
programmed during configuration)
The authorization to program all
features and settings of the EURACOM.
Also, if the EURACOM is separated in
two companies.
Multiple subscriber numbers
Normally three or more telephone
numbers for your PABX. With a multiple
subscriber number up to eight
subscribers can be called directly from
”outside”. No direct dialling in numbers.
Multiple subscriber connection
This is the case, if your PABX has
multiple subscriber numbers (normally
three or more).
Network provider
Operator of your telephone network:
e.g. British Telecom
Occupation of external line
You have a connection to the central
office. You hear the dialling tone
central office.
PABX system connection
This is relevant, if your PABX has a
direct dialling in telephone number
(PABX telephone number)
PABX telephone number
A single telephone number for your
PABX system (e.g. 01234/5678-0). Each
subscriber may be called directly from
external via the added direct dialling in
telephone number.
Pulse dialling
when entering the telephone number,
you hear a crackling noise (e.g. 8 times
for the number 8). For operation of the
EURACOM however you need tone
dialling. Many telephone sets may be
switched over (see instruction manual of
telephone set).
Tone dialling
Also called dual tone multiple frequency
mode. When entering the telephone
number, you hear a different tone for
each of the numbers.