Rev. 09/2017
Page 18 of 27
Disinfecting the camera head
Immersion in an
enzymatic cleaning
solution (Aniosyme
DD1, Hexanios G +
R or surface
cleaning ((Anios
Immersion in a
solution (Anios
Laboratory -
Steranios 2%)
Sterilisation using
STERRAD process
Sterilisation with
ethylene oxide
Any other disinfection methods are prohibited, and the manufacturer accepts no liability
for any damage caused by using methods, other than the specified.
Regardless of the sterilization method used and throughout surgical operation, it is
advisable to use a disposable, sterile, protective cover on the camera.
The camera is not autoclavable.
The camera is not compatible with automatic washer-disinfectors.
Existing alkaline solutions for the pre-disinfection of certain medical devices are NOT
RECOMMENDED for pre-disinfecting our Ackermann Fusion cameras.
It is essential for the parts coming into contact with the disinfectant to be thoroughly
Use soft non-woven cloths for wiping the lenses dry to prevent any scratches.
The procedures described in this section are provided as guidance, and cannot under
any circumstances be substituted for official recommendations or directives.
The connector on the camera equipped with its sealing cap can be immersed. Traces of
water are visible just as the connector seal is removed (runoff and condensation). It is
therefore essential to dry the inside of the cap well before reusing it.
Disinfecting the lens surfaces
A dirty lens surface can interfere with observation. The lens surface must not have any marks
or smudges. To avoid scratching the lens surface, never use abrasive cloths or sponges to
clean it.