The MiniBump is a small battery-powered, portable electrochemical gas
generator designed to functionally test and or calibrate toxic gas sensors
and alarm systems. The MiniBump is designed to 'bump' a gas detection
system into alarm within approximately 30 seconds when used with a
MiniBump generating source. When used with a MiniCal generating
source, the unit will provide calibration gas of the type and concentration
determined by the generating source to calibrate gas detection systems.
The MiniBump uses the following components to produce the calibration
gas/air mixture:
Internal Micro Pump
A small air pump draws in ambient air to blend with the
electrochemically generated gas. The Release IV MiniBump instruments
are designed to operate at .5 LPM (liters per minute).
Electrochemical Generating Source
The electrochemical generating source
contains an electrolyte solution and
either inert or consumable electrodes,
depending upon the gas being
generated. Gas is generated in the
solution and is delivered out of the
source by the internal pump, to the
detection system.
Alkaline 'A' Batteries
A set of two fully charged alkaline "AA"
batteries provides approximately
10-12 hours of operation. To replace the
batteries, open the battery cover with
either a fingernail or small flat object. It is
important that when changing the
batteries in the instrument, to not use a
metal object, such as a screw driver.
Using a metal object to remove the batteries will frequently blow the pico
fuse in the unit, preventing the unit from powering up.