Using the Up/Down arrow keys, the shift is adjusted by the value indicated by the Step
label above F-4.
Pressing F-4 (STEP:) changes the step size from 1 to 5 to 10 to 50, and back to 1.
The Shift value will be retained and used for all presets used in this testing session.
This means the user can easily run a range of tests with the factory presets offset to the
users preference or need while working in the same patient mode (Adult or Neo). This
is true for both manual selections and Auto Sequences.
The shift setting change will not be retained when switching between Adult and Neo
mode. This change will also not be retained across a power cycle.
Amp Adjust Tab
Figure A shows Amplitude adjust tab for the BP Test Screen.
Amplitude adjustment is an advanced feature and generally should not be needed for
most applications. The default value of 100% is appropriate for normal Adult and Neo
cuff sizes. This adjustment might be needed when using cuffs that are significantly larger
or smaller. Typically this may be needed by manufacturers and researchers. This
function allows the user to increase or decrease the overall amplitude of the 'pulse
signal'. The scale is a percentage of the nominal default value of 100%.
The Amplitude tab control operates the same way as the PR and Shift adjust tabs.
Pressing F1-F3 selects the associated fast select relative amplitude value of 25%, 50%, or
100% which returns to the original default value.
Using the Up/Down arrow keys, the amplitude is adjusted by the value indicated by the
Step label above F-4.
Pressing F-4 (STEP:) changes the step size from 1 to 5 to 10 to 50, and back to 1.
The Amplitude adjustment range is from 0% to 150% of nominal.
The amplitude value will be retained and used for all presets used in this testing session.
This means the user can easily run a range of tests with the factory presets offset to the
users preference or need while working in the same patient mode (Adult or Neo). This
is true for both manual selections and Auto Sequences.
The Amp setting change will not be retained when switching between Adult and Neo
mode. This change will also not be retained across a power cycle.
Trim Tab
( only available with the Default Generic CalTable setting selected )
Figure T shows the Trim tab for the BP Test Screen.
This is an advanced feature and it's use may not be appropriate for many users. In
particular, there should be consideration of the implications if the simulator is shared
amongst multiple users, or if a variety of equipment from different manufacturers needs
to be tested with the same AccuPulse Plus unit.
This Trim function is provided for customers who want to dial in the AccuPulse for use
with specific equipment. The baseline generic oscillometric envelope is not based on any
one monitor. It is normally expected that test results may not match the preset value.
Trim allows the user to adjust the envelope for better matching of the results. The
adjustment is permanently saved until changed again by the user.
To use this feature take several readings with the NIBP monitor of interest, noting the
typical results. It is recommended to check several known good units to develop a
reasonable average of the typical bias.
(example with 120/80 preset the result averages 124/78 which is +4 SYS and – 2 DIA)
Next make Trim adjustments to compensate for these differences
(example Trim is Delta SYS -4, Delta DIA + 2)
NOTE: Trim adjustments do not change the displayed value (labels) of the setting. They
are intended to allow users to develop settings that give results matching the simulator
displayed values.
Pressing F1 (delta Sys) or F3 (delta Dia) selects the parameter to be trimmed.
Using the Up/Down arrow keys will change the selected parameter trim value in steps of
1 mmHg.
Pressing F4 (Save) stores and applies the change.
The maximum adjustment range is +/- 25 mmHg but will be further restricted as
adjusted values near the MAP value or the end range of the simulator.
The adjusted Trim value will be retained and used for all future tests with the Generic
CalTable. It will not reset itself, even with a power cycle. Trim values can only be cleared
by deliberate action of the user.
The optional User Defined module has similar functionality but allows for 45 settings
and adds the ability to independently select Systolic and Diastolic values.
User Defined
Mode is a purchased option upgrade.
The User Defined Module option is covered
in detail later in the manual.
Mode and Option Tabs for BPTest
These tabs allow the user to make selections and adjustments for Auto-Sequence and
the optional upgrades. The exact combination of tabs you will see here is dependent
upon which software options you have purchased.
NOTE: Several last used settings are retained across power cycles and become the
startup default. Some others will be reset when you exit the current testing session or
mode. They are identified as appropriate in each subsection below.
Shift Adjust tab Cont’d
Fig. A.
Fig. T.