The pump offers smooth steady inflation and less bounce in pressure than the hand-
inflation bulb does. Pressing start closes the AccuPulse dump valve and starts inflation.
A test status indication appears at the top of the screen. When finished the status
indicator shows “Complete” and a peak value is displayed.
The normal result screen is shown here on the left.
On the right is after pressing <Toggle> button to turn off the peak display. Toggle again
will return it.
Manual Over Pressure
Manual mode operates the same as Auto except it is up to the user with an inflation bulb,
or an NIBP monitor's own inflate pump, to provide the pressure. Manual leak test starts
as soon as the user pumps the pressure to greater than 10mmHg.
Figure OP4 shows the manual state for the OverP Test Mode screen.
In manual mode the user and monitor directly control inflation and release of pressure.
The AccuPulse dump valve only opens if pressure reaches > 400 mmHg.
Meter Mode
This mode provides the user a 0.1mmHg resolution manometer in the upper right
corner of the display. Also Min, Max and a moving average of the pressure are presented.
The Cal and SetP functions provide convenient methods of checking accuracy at specific
pressure points.
The user may also change the units of measurement (for this mode only) so the
AccuPulse can be used to verify pressure readings in other applications where mmHg is
not the standard unit of measure.
During the first 10 minutes after power-up, the pressure zero drift may be significant for
the most precise readings.
Allowing time for the instrument to stabilize is strongly recommended.
F1 (Zero) will zero the manometer
F2 (Reset) will reset the Max, Min, and Avg.
F3 (Cal) Enters the Calibration check mode. This provides incrementing steps of 50
F4 (SetP) Enters the Set Pressure mode where the user can interactively set a target
inflation value.
The user may Zero the pressure sensor with the unit open to the atmosphere to remove
any drift. The unit also automatically Zeroes every minute when pressure in the system
is below 10mmHg. A valve vents pressure to the atmosphere so that any pressure in the
system is released before the zeroing takes place.
Similar to a voltmeter, Max. and Min fields track the maximum and minimum the
pressure achieves in the system. Avg. is a moving average of the last 8 samples at 1/4
second intervals, for a 2 second total average.
Meter Mode Static Calibration Function
This mode uses the AccuPulse internal pump and its control routine to incrementally
check a full range of pressure values. This function will increase the pressure in steps of
50 mmHg. This function gives the user a fast and easy alternative to the Set Pressure
function which offers more control if needed.
When working with this function, several key labels are context sensitive and will be
changed, hidden or presented according to the present state of the test.
F1 (Reset) Resets only the Min, Max, and Avg. values.
F2 (Enable)/ F2 (Disable) Turns on or off the tracking to maintain pressure at the target
F3 (Start) / F3 (Next) Start the calibration check at zero. / Inflate by another 50 mmHg
to the next point.
F4 (Quit) Exit the test, releasing the pressure and returning to the starting point.
Auto Over Pressure Cont’d
Fig. OP2
Fig. OP3
Fig. OP4
Meter mode screen.
Fig M1
Fig M1a (active screen shot)
Calibration function screen.
Fig M2