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C.P. Royal Hudson Live Steam - Alcohol Fired



C.P. Royal Hudson Live Steam - Alcohol Fired

General information about The 
Royal Hudson Model:

Operating a model live steam loco-
motive is much different from running 
an electrically powered engine. It is 
a more hands-on, interactive experi-

The locomotive must be periodically 
fueled, oiled and watered. As supplied, 
the locomotive is manually controlled,  
which means that you must actually 
drive the locomotive using the controls 
in the cab, just as you would a full-size 

The performance of the engine is also 
unlike electric locomotives. The loco-
motive should pull a dozen or more 
standard-size freight cars on good, 
level track. Grades and sharp curves 
will diminish its capability. A good engi-
neer will learn the engine’s character-
istics and idiosyncrasies over time, to 
get the best performance and longest 
duration from it.


For your safety, there are certain rules 
that should be observed, as follows:

1.  The safety valves have been set 
at the factory to release at around 60 
pounds per square inch of pressure. 
Never tamper with the safety valve.

2.  The alcohol fi ring system has been 
designed to use denatured alcohol. 
Do not use an other fuel. Other fuel 
will create a dangerous condition, and 
will also damage the locomotive!

3.  Always make sure the fi re is out 
before refueling the locomotive. The 
Alcohol  fi re is nearly invisible so be 
absolutely sure that there is no fl ame 
burning around the engine when refu-
eling is being done!

4.  A steam engine gets hot, Be care-

The locomotive and tender should al-
ways be carried separately because 
of their weight. We suggest carrying 
the locomotive to the track by support-
ing it underneath the wheels with both 
hands, as opposed to lifting by the pi-
lot (which may not stand the stress) 
and rear beam.

For general carrying, the engine can 
be carried on a carrying tray with han-

