Linking Cues
When going to a new cue (whether by a manual 'Go+' or automatically by setting a hold time) then by
default the next cue will be run, as shown in the next diagram.
You can change this by setting the 'Link+' ;eld other than 'none'. When set to a number, this cue will go
to this speci;ed cue number as the next cue. You can use the link ;eld to create loops/chases. See the
next diagram.
When you press the 'Go-' button you will go to the previous cue, however, similar to the 'Link+' ;eld,
you can use the 'Link-' ;eld to specify a cue to go-back to. Using both link ;elds you can create a bi-
directional loop by which the user could step through a set of cues by using just two buttons (e.g. 2
physical switches connected via the GPI port that control the 'Go-' and 'Go+' ). As illustrated in the
following diagram.
Manual Playback
Set the Lighting Console to the PLAY mode for manual playback of the Cues. You can use the GO+ and
GO- buttons for traversing through the various Cues. The JUMP allows you to go to a certain Cue
directly (without stepping through all intermediate Cues). E.g. If you like to go to Cue 24 you use the CLI
to type <JUMP>24<ENTER>.