Pay attention to the condition of the in-line skates.
Check and clean the bearings and wheels.
Make sure that the bolts are tightened properly.
Replace brakes when necessary.
Remove any sharp edges occur during use.
Do not modify the in-line skates as it can be dangerous to your safety.
Beginners should skate only on smooth surfaces.
Avoid high speeds.
Do not skate holding any vehicles.
Use appropriate protective accessories.
Avoid skating on wet, greasy or stony surfaces.
Always pay attention to pedestrians and always give them way.
Obey all the traffic rules and signs. when you are skating on the road you have the same responsibilities as
any other vehicle
Skate with courtesy. Always stay on the right and pass on the left. Let other see your intentions. Always
give way to pedestrians.
Complaint returned to the distributor is to be accepted only with all original components, which are wheels, chassis,
brakes, etc.
Warranty does not cover: damages caused by accidents, misuse or improper repair of the product; worn parts;
parts not lubricated, scratched or damaged by corrosion as well as installation of non-original spare parts; faded
color of the lining caused by increased sweating or wetting. Complaints concerning worn wheels, worn brakes and
damaged or broken bearings WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED (it refers to consumable parts). This product is not
intended to acrobatic and extreme performances (jumping over obstacles, jumping down etc.). Manufacturer is not
responsible for damage caused to health and property, which may result from such use.
Improperly selected type, shape or size of the inline skates may not be a reason for a later claim. If the skates are
used for other purposes than intended, it may cause their damage.
Any complaint must be made immediately after discovery of the defect, in the shop where skates had been
purchased. Consumer cannot continue to use the product, in which he had stated a defect.
Only products cleaned and without any dirt can be claimed. Defected items should be delivered in the durable (best
original) packaging, with item code. While lodging complaint, the proof of purchase must be shown. Seller shall
submit a written complaint about the inline skates state, in which the exact reason of complaint is described. The
right to make a complaint expires after the warranty period.
w. El
biety 6, 41-905 Bytom, Poland
Production year: 01.2015