Connection of a relay
output extension unit
type SACO 128R4
A reflash signal for a parallel lamp indicator, for
a contact doubler output and for group alarm
output is obtainable from the annunciator mod-
ule. Of these the group alarm outputs are con-
nected in parallel from each annunciator mod-
ule and put forward to common output relays.
If requested, the group alarms, the parallel lamp
outputs and the contact double outputs can be
connected to individual output relays by using
a 16-channel output relay module type SWOM
16A1. The extension unit type SACO 128R4
houses up to eight output relay modules.
By using a grouping module type SACO 64C5
a free cross connection of 64 incoming and 64
outgoing signals can be carried out. A flat cable
is connected to the terminal X2 of the output
relay module SWOM 8A1. The reflash signals
from the SACO 64D4 system are made avail-
able at the following terminals:
Parallel lamp reflash output
SWPM 1A1B , terminal X2
(behind the front panel)
Contact doubler output
Mother PC-board,
terminals X17, X18, X19 and X20
Group alarm outputs
Mother PC-board,
terminals X21, X22, X23 and X24
The upper protective grille sheet and the rear
panel have cutouts for taking outthe flat cables.
When the auxiliary supply voltage is connected,
all active alarm channels are indicated as already
being acknowledged. These alarms are not to
be found in the event register.
Operational test
When the annunciator unit SACO 64D4 has
been mounted, the system configuration has
been programmed and its incoming and out-
going cables have been connected, the unit can
be tested. The unit is tested by first acknowl-
edged/reset all alarms and then the test push-
button, on module SWDM 3A1, is kept de-
pressed for about 1 second. This move will cause
all LED indicators, except the FAULT LED, to
be switched on as long as the push-button is
depressed. If the acknowledge/reset push-but-
ton is depressed for more than 15 s, the self su-
pervision output relay drops of and the FAULT
LED is lit. The test can also be performed over
the external test input (131).
The operational test comprises the internal sys-
tem circuitry. The field contact circuits and aux-
iliary devices must be tested separately.