Auxiliary outputs
The annunciator includes 16 auxiliary output
relays. 14 output relays act as group alarm reflash
output elements, one auxiliary output relay is
dedicated for control of an audible device and
one relay acts as an auxiliary output element for
the internal self-supervision function. In a cen-
tralized system (i.e. when several SACO 64D4
are connected together) there might be no need
to use the audible sevice output and the
selfsupervision output on every unit separately,
hence all 16 outputs can be used as Group Alarm
Reflash outputs.
By using the relay unit SACO 128R4, which
may accommodate a total of 128 output relays,
and which is connected to the annunciator
modules by means of flat cables, a total of 16
reflash group outputs, 16 contact doubler out-
puts and 16 paralell lamp outputs can be pro-
vided from each annunciator module. These
outputs can also be grouped by means of the
grouping module SACO 64C5
Group alarm reflash
Each alarm channel generates two reflash out-
put signals, A and B, which can be freely linked
to the reflash output relays to form group alarm
reflash functions. The group alarm reflash out-
put relays can be given one of the following
modes of operation selectable by programming,
separately for both of the output relays:
0 = FCFR, Field Contact Following Reflash
1 = AACR, Acknowledge Action Controlled
2 = ISR, Impulse Shaping Reflash
3 = FCFR + ISR, Field Contact Following
Reflash with a 300 ms interruption of the
reflash signal any time a new alarm signal
joins in an already active group alarm bunch
4 = FCFR + AACR, Field Contact Following
Reflash and Action Controlled Reflash (se
figure below)
Parameter S1…S16 (Module related settings)
Channel input delays
Channel reset delay
Alarm 1
Alarm 2
Signal following
Alarm memory following
Pulse type
Signal following with break
Fig. 12. Principle diagram for the different reflash signal types. The alarm signals 1 and 2 are
grouped to the same group alarm reflash signal.
The reflash signals are always accompanied by
a certain basic delay. The basic delay time de-
pends on the number of incoming alarm sig-
nals per time unit and on the number of inter-
nal interlocking levels in use. The basic time
delay of the reflash signal is 70 ms if only one
alarm signal is received within a time period of
200 ms and if no interlockings are used.