ABB PVS-175-TL Series Скачать руководство пользователя страница 43






The symbol of the crossed-out wheeled 

bin identifies electrical and electronic 

equipment (EEE) placed on the market 

after 13 August 2005 which should be 

separately collected in accordance 

with the Directive 2012/19/EU of the 

European Parliament and of the Council 

on waste electrical and electronic 

equipment (WEEE).

Users of EEE from private households 

(consumers) within each European 

Union country:

Electrical and electronic equipment 

should be disposed of in appropriate 

collection facilities as set up by the 

competent authorities within each 

Member State or in accordance 

with that Member State’s national 

regulations regarding WEEE collection 

and disposal.

Professional users (Companies - 

Enterprises) within each European 

Union country:

Electrical and electronic equipment 

should be disposed of in accordance 

with the Member State’s national 

regulations regarding WEEE collection 

and disposal. Further information 

should be obtained from the reseller or 

local vendor.

Both Private and Professional Users 

from countries outside the European 


Electrical and electronic equipment 

should be disposed of in accordance 

with the Member State’s national 

regulations regarding WEEE collection 

and disposal.

Inappropriate EEE disposal could have 

a negative environmental impact and 

hamper human health. Cooperating 

in the appropriate disposal of this 

product contributes to product reuse 

and recycling, while protecting our 


Il simbolo del contenitore di spazzatura 

su ruote barrato, accompagnato da 

una barra piena orizzontale, identifica 

le apparecchiature elettriche ed 

elettroniche, immesse sul mercato 

dopo il 13 agosto 2005, oggetto di 

raccolta separata in conformità alla 

Direttiva Europea 2012/19/UE (WEEE 


Utenti domestici (privati cittadini) 

della Comunità Europea:

Lo smaltimento di questa 

apparecchiatura elettrica ed elettronica 

può avvenire presso le isole ecologiche 

messe a disposizione dagli enti locali 

o comunque seguendo le indicazioni 

delle autorità locali per la raccolta 

differenziata dei rifiuti elettronici.

Utenti professionali (Aziende-

Imprese) della Comunità Europea:

Lo smaltimento di questa 

apparecchiatura elettrica ed elettronica 

deve avvenire in conformità alla 

legislazione locale. Contattare il 

rivenditore o il fornitore locale per 

ulteriori informazioni.

Utenti domestici e professionali in altri 

paesi fuori dalla Comunità Europea:

Lo smaltimento di questa 

apparecchiatura elettrica ed elettronica 

deve avvenire in conformità alla 

legislazione locale.

Uno smaltimento dei rifiuti 

inappropriato può avere effetti negativi 

sull’ambiente e sulla salute umana. 

Collaborando allo smaltimento corretto 

di questo prodotto, si contribuisce al 

riutilizzo, al riciclaggio e al recupero del 

prodotto, e alla protezione del nostro 


Mit dem Symbol der ausgekreuzten 

Mülltonne werden Elektro- und 

Elektronikgeräte gekennzeichnet, die 

nach dem 13. August 2005 auf den Markt 

gebracht wurden und in Einklang mit der 

Richtlinie 2012/19/EU des Europäischen 

Parlaments über Elektro- und Elektronik-

Altgeräte (WEEE) getrennt zu sammeln 


Benutzer von Elektro- und 

Elektronikgeräten aus privaten 

Haushalten (Konsumenten) in den 

Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union:

Elektro- und Elektronikgeräte sind bei einer 

hierfür von den zuständigen Behörden 

eingerichteten geeigneten Annahmestelle 

im jeweiligen Mitgliedstaat abzugeben 

oder in Einklang mit den nationalen 

Bestimmungen des Mitgliedstaats 

hinsichtlich der Sammlung und Entsorgung 

von Elektro- und Elektronikgeräten gemäß 

der WEEE-Richtlinie zu entsorgen.

Professionelle Benutzer (Unternehmen) 

in den Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen 


Elektro- und Elektronikgeräte sind in 

Einklang mit den nationalen Bestimmungen 

des Mitgliedstaats hinsichtlich der 

Sammlung und Entsorgung von Elektro- 

und Elektronikgeräten gemäß der WEEE-

Richtlinie zu entsorgen. Für nähere 

Informationen wenden Sie sich bitte an 

den Wiederverkäufer oder Ihren Händler 

vor Ort.

Sowohl private als auch professionelle 

Benutzer in den Mitgliedstaaten der 

Europäischen Union:

Elektro- und Elektronikgeräte sind in 

Einklang mit den nationalen Bestimmungen 

des Mitgliedstaats hinsichtlich der 

Sammlung und Entsorgung von Elektro- 

und Elektronikgeräten gemäß der WEEE-

Richtlinie zu entsorgen.

Bei unsachgemäßer Entsorgung besteht 

das Risiko nachteiliger Auswirkungen 

auf Umwelt und Gesundheit. Durch Ihre 

Kooperation zur ordnungsgemäßen 

Entsorgung fördern Sie die 

Wiederverwendung und das Recycling des 

Produkts und tragen zum Umweltschutz 


El símbolo del contenedor de basura 

tachado con un aspa identifica aquellos 

aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos (AEE, 

EEE por sus siglas en inglés) lanzados 

al mercado después del 13 de agosto 

de 2005 que deben recogerse de forma 

separada de acuerdo con la Directiva 

2012/19/UE del Parlamento Europeo 

y el Consejo Europeo sobre residuos 

de aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos 


Usuarios particulares de AEE 

(consumidores) en cada uno de los 

países de la Unión Europea:

Los aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos 

deben eliminarse en los puntos de 

recolección adecuados establecidos 

por las autoridades competentes de 

cada Estado miembro de acuerdo con 

las normativas nacionales de dicho 

Estado miembro sobre la recolección y 

eliminación de RAEE.

Usuarios profesionales (Empresas 

e Instituciones) en cada uno de los 

países de la Unión Europea:

Los aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos 

deben eliminarse de acuerdo con 

las normativas nacionales sobre la 

recolección y eliminación de RAEE. 

Puede obtener más información en su 

distribuidor o proveedor local.

Usuarios particulares y profesionales 

de países no pertenecientes a la Unión 


Los aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos 

deben eliminarse de acuerdo con 

las normativas nacionales sobre la 

recolección y eliminación de RAEE.

La eliminación inadecuada de un AEE 

puede tener un impacto negativo en 

el medio ambiente y perjudicar la 

salud humana. Su cooperación en la 

eliminación adecuada de este producto 

contribuye a su reutilización y reciclado 

a la vez que protege el medio ambiente.

Le symbole de poubelle interdite 

identifie les équipements électriques 

et électroniques (EEE) mis sur le marché 

après le 13 août 2005 qui doivent être 

collectés séparément conformément à 

la Directive 2012/19/UE du Parlement 

européen et du Conseil relative aux 

déchets d’équipements électriques et 

électroniques (DEEE).

Ménages utilisateurs d’EEE 

(consommateurs) dans chaque pays de 

l’Union européenne:

Les équipements électriques et 

électroniques doivent être mis au 

rebut dans des points de collecte 

appropriés mis en place par les 

autorités compétentes au sein de 

chaque État membre ou conformément 

aux réglementations nationales de cet 

État membre relatives à la collecte et à 

la mise au rebut des EEE.

Utilisateurs professionnels (sociétés - 

entreprises) au sein de chaque pays de 

l’Union européenne:

Les équipements électriques et 

électroniques doivent être mis au rebut 

conformément aux réglementations 

nationales de l’État membre relatives 

à la mise au rebut des EEE. Pour plus 

d’informations, contactez le revendeur 

ou le fournisseur local.

Utilisateurs privés et professionnels 

des pays hors Union européenne:

Les équipements électriques et 

électroniques doivent être mis au rebut 

conformément aux réglementations 

nationales de l’État membre relatives à 

la mise au rebut des EEE.

La mise au rebut inappropriée des 

EEE peut avoir un effet néfaste 

sur l’environnement et sur la santé 

humaine. En participant à la mise au 

rebut appropriée de ce produit, vous 

contribuez à sa réutilisation et à son 

recyclage tout en protégeant notre 







O símbolo do contentor com uma cruz 

sobreposta identifica equipamentos 

elétricos e eletrónicos (EEE) colocados 

no mercado após 13 de agosto de 

2005, que devem ser recolhidos 

separadamente de acordo com a 

Diretiva 2012/19/UE do Parlamento 

Europeu e do Conselho sobre resíduos 

de equipamentos elétricos e eletrónicos 


Utilizadores de EEE de ambientes 

domésticos privados (consumidores) 

dentro de cada país da União Europeia:

Os equipamentos elétricos e 

eletrónicos deverão ser eliminados 

em instalações de recolha adequadas, 

conforme estabelecido pelas 

autoridades competentes dentro de 

cada Estado Membro, ou de acordo 

com os regulamentos nacionais desse 

Estado Membro sobre a recolha e 

eliminação de WEEE.

Utilizadores profissionais 

(Companhias - Empresas) dentro de 

cada país da União Europeia:

Os equipamentos elétricos e 

eletrónicos deverão ser eliminados de 

acordo com os regulamentos nacionais 

dos Estados Membros sobre a recolha 

e eliminação de WEEE. Informações 

adicionais deverão ser obtidas junto do 

revendedor ou do fornecedor local.

Utilizadores privados e profissionais 

dos países fora da União Europeia:

Os equipamentos elétricos e 

eletrónicos deverão ser eliminados de 

acordo com os regulamentos nacionais 

dos Estados Membros sobre a recolha e 

eliminação de WEEE.

A eliminação inadequada de EEE poderá 

ter um impacto ambiental negativo e 

afetar a saúde humana. A cooperação 

com a eliminação adequada destes 

produtos contribui para a reutilização 

e reciclagem dos mesmos, protegendo 

simultaneamente o nosso ambiente.

Het symbool van de doorkruiste 

afvalbak identificeert elektrische en 

elektronische apparatuur (EEA) op de 

markt gebracht na 13 augustus 2005, 

die apart moet worden verzameld in 

overeenstemming met de Richtlijn 

2012/19/EU van het Europees Parlement 

en de Raad betreffende afgedankte 

elektrische en elektronische apparatuur 


Gebruikers van EEA uit particuliere 

huishoudens (consumenten) in elk land 

van de Europese Unie:

Elektrische en elektronische apparatuur 

moet worden weggegooid via de 

daarvoor bestemde voorzieningen zoals 

opgezet door de bevoegde autoriteiten 

in elke lidstaat of in overeenstemming 

met de nationale regelgeving van 

die lidstaat met betrekking tot de 

inzameling en verwijdering van AEEA.

Professionele gebruikers (Bedrijven 

- Ondernemingen) in elk land van de 

Europese Unie:

Elektrische en elektronische 

apparatuur dient te worden vernietigd 

in overeenstemming met de nationale 

voorschriften van de lidstaat met 

betrekking tot de inzameling en 

verwijdering van AEEA. Nadere 

informatie moet worden verkregen van 

de verkoper of lokale leverancier.

Zowel particuliere als professionele 

gebruikers uit landen buiten de 

Europese Unie:

Elektrische en elektronische 

apparatuur dient te worden vernietigd 

in overeenstemming met de nationale 

voorschriften van de lidstaat met 

betrekking tot de inzameling en 

verwijdering van AEEA.

Onjuiste verwijdering van EEA kan 

een negatieve invloed op het milieu 

hebben en de menselijke gezondheid 

schaden. Samenwerking bij de correcte 

verwijdering van dit product draagt 

bij aan hergebruik en recycling en 

beschermt ons milieu.

Symbolen med en överkryssad 

soptunna på hjul identifierar elektrisk 

och elektronisk utrustning (EEE) 

som lanserats på marknaden efter 13 

augusti 2005 som ska samlas in separat 

i enlighet med Europaparlamentets och 

rådets direktiv 2012/19/EU om avfall 

som utgörs av eller innehåller elektriska 

eller elektroniska produkter (WEEE).

Användare av EEE i privathushållen 

(konsumenter) i varje land inom 

Europeiska unionen:

Elektrisk och elektronisk utrustning 

ska bortskaffas på lämpliga 

uppsamlingsanläggningar som 

inrättats av behöriga myndigheter 

i varje medlemsstat eller i enlighet 

med den medlemsstatens nationella 

bestämmelser gällande uppsamling och 

bortskaffande av WEEE.

Yrkesmässiga användare (bolag – 

företag) i varje land inom Europeiska 


Elektrisk och elektronisk utrustning 

ska bortskaffas i enlighet med 

medlemsstatens nationella 

bestämmelser gällande uppsamling 

och bortskaffande av WEEE. Ytterligare 

information ska erhållas från 

återförsäljaren eller den lokala säljaren.

Både privata och yrkesmässiga 

användare från länder utanför 

Europeiska unionen:

Elektrisk och elektronisk utrustning 

ska bortskaffas i enlighet med 

medlemsstatens nationella 

bestämmelser gällande uppsamling och 

bortskaffande av WEEE.

Olämpligt bortskaffande av EEE kan 

ha en negativ miljöpåverkan och skada 

människors hälsa. I och med att du 

samarbetar i fråga om att bortskaffa 

den här produkten på ett lämpligt 

sätt, bidrar du till att produkten kan 

återanvändas och återvinnas, samtidigt 

som du hjälper till att skydda miljön.

Symbolet med den overstregede 

affaldsspand med hjul angiver, at 

elektrisk og elektronisk udstyr (EEE), 

der er markedsført efter d. 13. august 

2005, skal indsamles særskilt i henhold 

til Europa-Parlamentets og Rådets 

direktiv 2012/19/EU om affald af 

elektrisk og elektronisk udstyr (WEEE).

Brugere af EEE fra private 

husholdninger (forbrugere) inden for 

hvert EU-medlemsland:

Elektrisk og elektronisk udstyr 

skal bortskaffes via passende 

indsamlingsfaciliteter, der er etableret 

af de ansvarlige myndigheder i hver 

medlemsstat, eller i henhold til den 

pågældende medlemsstats nationale 

lovgivning vedrørende indsamling og 

bortskaffelse af WEEE.

Professionelle brugere (virksomheder 

– firmaer) inden for hvert EU-


Elektrisk og elektronisk udstyr 

skal bortskaffes i henhold til den 

pågældende medlemsstats nationale 

lovgivning vedrørende indsamling 

og bortskaffelse af WEEE. Yderligere 

oplysninger kan rekvireres fra 

forhandleren eller den lokale leverandør.

Både private og professionelle bruger 

fra lande uden for den Europæiske 


Elektrisk og elektronisk udstyr 

skal bortskaffes i henhold til den 

pågældende medlemsstats nationale 

lovgivning vedrørende indsamling og 

bortskaffelse af WEEE.

Uhensigtsmæssig bortskaffelse af 

EEE kan have en negativ virkning på 

miljøet og folks helbred. Samarbejde i 

forbindelse med korrekt bortskaffelse 

af disse produkter bidrager til genbrug 

og genindvindelse, samtidig med at 

miljøet beskyttes.

Merkki, jossa on yli rastittu pyörällinen 

jäteastia, viittaa 13.8.2005 jälkeen 

markkinoille tuotuihin sähkö- ja 

elektroniikkalaitteisiin, jotka Euroopan 

parlamentin ja neuvoston sähkö- ja 

elektroniikkalaiteromusta annetun 

direktiivin 2012/19/EU (WEEE) 

mukaisesti on kerättävä erikseen.

Yksityisten kotitalouksien sähkö- ja 

elektroniikkalaitteiden käyttäjät 

(kuluttajat) kussakin Euroopan 

unionin maassa:

Sähkö- ja elektroniikkalaitteet on 

hävitettävä kunkin jäsenvaltion 

toimivaltaisten viranomaisten 

järjestämien keräyspisteiden kautta 

tai kyseisen jäsenvaltion kansallisten 

sähkö- ja elektroniikkalaiteromun 

keräystä ja hävittämistä koskevien 

määräysten mukaisesti.

Ammattikäyttäjät (yritykset) kussakin 

Euroopan unionin maassa:

Sähkö- ja elektroniikkalaitteet on 

hävitettävä jäsenvaltion kansallisten 

sähkö- ja elektroniikkalaiteromun 

keräystä ja hävittämistä koskevien 

määräysten mukaisesti. Lisätietoja 

on voitava saada jälleenmyyjältä tai 

paikalliselta toimittajalta.

Euroopan unionin ulkopuolisten 

maiden yksityiset ja ammattikäyttäjät:

Sähkö- ja elektroniikkalaitteet on 

hävitettävä jäsenvaltion kansallisten 

sähkö- ja elektroniikkalaiteromun 

keräystä ja hävittämistä koskevien 

määräysten mukaisesti.

Sähkö- ja elektroniikkalaitteiden 

epäasianmukaisella hävittämisellä voi 

olla haitallisia vaikutuksia ympäristöön 

ja ihmisten terveyteen. Yhteistyö 

tämän tuotteen asianmukaiseksi 

hävittämiseksi edistää tuotteen 

uudelleenkäyttöä ja kierrätystä ja 

suojelee ympäristöämme.

Содержание PVS-175-TL Series

Страница 1: ...ABB SOLAR INVERTERS Quick Installation Guide PVS 175 TL 175 0 kW A 1 Version BCM V3103 1 ...

Страница 2: ...ow the safety and installation information provided in the product manual must be read and followed For more detailed information regarding proper installation and use of this product refer to the product manual located at www abb com solarinverters ATTENTION A The product must be used in the manner described in the document If this is not the case the safety devices guaranteed by the inverter mig...

Страница 3: ...outing the cable to the inverter 23 9 Grid output connection AC side 24 9 1 Characteristics and sizing of the protective grounding cable 24 9 2 Load protection breaker AC disconnect switch and differential protection downstream of the inverter 24 9 3 Characteristics and sizing of the line cable 25 9 4 AC output cables connection 25 10 Input connection DC 28 11 Connection of the communication and c...

Страница 4: ...g bracket 10 Protective earth point ext 17 Rear pins for bracket assembly 04 Handles 11 Phases cable glands 18 DC input quick fit connectors 05 Cover quarter cam locks 12 Protective earth cable gland 19 DC disconnect switches 06 Front power module cover 13 Signal cable glands 07 Front wiring box cover 14 RS485 Service connector PVS 03 01 02 17 17 06 09 17 17 15 18 13 05 08 09 07 05 11 19 19 19 04 ...

Страница 5: ...e 26 Communication and control board 31 AC interface cable lugs 22 DC cable duct 27 AC connection busbar 32 Interface signal connectors female 23 AC protective shield 28 Protective earth point int 24 DC overvoltage surge arresters 29 DC interface faston connectors B1 B2 R S T B1 B2 R S T B1 B2 R S T 32 30 28 20 24 22 31 27 23 26 20 25 24 29 21 ...

Страница 6: ...stallation Guide PVS 175 TL A 1 Version EN Power module internal view 33 DC interface cables 35 Interface signal connectors male 36 Interface protective earth point 34 AC interface connection point 35 34 34 33 36 ...

Страница 7: ...or 1 RJ45 38 RS485 ABB service 120Ohm termination res service only 42 Remote ON OFF terminal block 46 USB connector 39 DRM0 activation switch 43 RS485 line terminal block 47 CR2032 Backup battery 40 RS485 line 120Ohm termination res 44 Ethernet connector 2 RJ45 J9 J10 X2 J2 S2 J4 J1 S1 S3 J3 J6 47 37 41 39 40 42 38 43 46 44 45 ...

Страница 8: ...ivided in two separate parts by a dashed line take the bottom part and apply it on the plant documentation ABB recommend to create a plant map and apply the Communication Identification label on it SN WLAN SSSSSSSSSS PN WLAN V2P VKA 53 1 Mac Address AA BB CC DD EE FF PK 0000 0000 0000 0000 SN WLAN SSSSSSSSSS SN Wiring Box ZZZZZZZZZZ Remove and apply on the plant documentation MAC AA BB CC DD EE FF...

Страница 9: ...tion conditions the devices that will be installed outside the inverter and possible integration with an existing system Wiring box Model Number Description WB S PVS 175 TL Input with 24 quick fit connectors pairs 2 each MPPT 18 DC side varistor DC disconnect switches 19 WB S2 PVS 175 TL Input with 24 quick fit connectors pairs 2 each MPPT 18 DC side varistor DC disconnect switches 19 AC disconnec...

Страница 10: ...eans to make their transport and subsequent handling easier Nonetheless as a rule it is necessary to turn to the experience of specialised staff to take charge of loading and unloading components The power module and the wiring box must be lifted using the 4 handles 04 or alternatively using suitable lifting equipment The means used for lifting must be suitable to bear the weight of the equipment ...

Страница 11: ... or maintenance phases PVS Manual lifting handles PVS Ropes lifting eyebolts ATTENTION A Always consider the center of gravity of the enclosures while lifting ATTENTION A Pay attention to completely tight the thread of the handles or eye bolts PVS Center of gravity wiring box Center of gravity power module ...

Страница 12: ...r external protective earth connection point 10 1 1 1 In addition to what is explained in this guide the safety and installation information provided in the installation manual mus t be read and followed The technical documenta tion and the interface and manageme nt software for the product are available at the website XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXX ABB solar inverters Technical d...

Страница 13: ...allations over 6500 2 000 meters must be assessed by ABB Technical Sales to determine the proper datasheet derating 6 2 Tilting admittance The installation can be carried out with a maximum inclination as indicated in the figures beside 6 3 Distances Hardware and software maintenance on device entails removing the front cover Check that the correct installation safety distances are observed in ord...

Страница 14: ...t side and 30cm on the left side ATTENTION A In case of manual installation using handles 04 consider a free side space to lift the inverter of 60 cm minimum ATTENTION A In case of installation with lifting equipments eyebolts and ropes the side distances C could be reduced at the minimum required but a subsequent manual lifting it will no longer be possible in this case the lifting equipments mus...

Страница 15: ...s with the centerning pins of the side brackets Use the two M8 screws with flat and spring washers supplied to fix the pieces of the bracket together Position the bracket 03 perfectly level on the support and use it as drilling template consider the overall dimensions of the power module and the wiring box It is the installer s responsibility to choose an appropriate number and distribution of att...

Страница 16: ... 03 to the support 7 2 Assembly the Inverter to the bracket ATTENTION A Handling and installation operations shall be performed only by using the special tools and accessories provided with PVS 175 Installation Kit that have to be ordered separately The use of these equipment are mandatory to safely install the inverter Refer to Kit of recommended spare parts chapter content in the user manual for...

Страница 17: ... 17 placed on the rear part of the power module into the slots on the bracket 03 PVS 17 ATTENTION A Risk of injury due to the heavy weight of the equipment Always consider the center of gravity of the enclosures while lifting Remove the previously installed gasket protective covers from the inverter by slinding them pulling from the handles PVS NOTE D Gasket protective covers and handles can be re...

Страница 18: will not be possible to open the Wiring box cover 07 PVS Open the Wiring box cover 07 and use the cover support brackets 15 to lock the cover 07 in open position 15 ATTENTION A Pay attention to properly secure the cover support brackets 15 in order to avoid falling of the cover 7 4 Final fastening operations In order to reach the two junction screws 20 and complete the power module and wiring b...

Страница 19: ... DC cable duct 22 previously removed to the DC surge arrester plate 21 Tighten the two side screws supplied with a tightening torque of 5 Nm to avoid the tilting of the bottom part of the inverter PVS Close the Wiring box cover 07 7 5 Opening the power module cover Using the key tool provided with the installation kit content in the wiring box package open the three cover quarter cam locks 05 foll...

Страница 20: ...1 34 ATTENTION A In case of a wrong phase sequence the inverter will not connect to the grid and it will provide an error state ATTENTION A The cable lugs must be installed with a tightening torque of 5 Nm for phases M6 bolts and 3 Nm for MID BULK M5 bolts Fix the protective earth cable lug 31 to the protection earth connection point 36 situated on the internal bottom side of power module using th...

Страница 21: ... signal connectors female 32 located on the top side of wiring box push the connector until you hear a locking click All connectors have a different pin out in order to avoid any connection error 35 32 7 8 Connection of the DC interface cables The DC interface cables 33 are situated into left side of Power module and they are divided in two group 33 Wrap the DC interface cables 33 with the two cab...

Страница 22: ...nterface cables 33 to the related DC interface faston connectors 29 located in the DC surge arrester plate 21 The two cable group are marked with a identification label B1 and B2 that corresponds to the DSP board number label B1 and B2 Each single cable are marked with a label corresponding to related DC interface faston connectors 29 on the DSP boards E g TB1 TB3 B2 B1 _ _ T B 3 T B 7 TB5 T B 1 2...

Страница 23: ...tures below are showing some example of incorrect and proper cable routing PVS 175 PVS 175 PVS 175 PVS 175 OK OK OK NO 20 30 cm Min of straight cable 20 30 cm Min of straight cable 20 30 cm Min of straight cable 20 30 cm Min of straight cable 20 30 cm Min of straight cable 20 30 cm Min of straight cable Insert strain relief here Support the cables e g with a cable tray Support the cables e g with ...

Страница 24: ... installation The sizing of the ground cable depend on the choice of the protective earth point internal 28 or external 10 where it will be connected Protective earth point int 28 Protective earth point ext 10 Cable diameter range 18 25 mm Max conductor cross section 185 mm copper 240 mm aluminium Cable lug dimensioning b a for M10 Stud a 10 5 mm min b 40 mm max for M8 Bolt a 8 4 mm min 8 5 mm max...

Страница 25: absence on the AC conductors Routing of the AC cables inside the inverter must be carried out from the right side of the inverter Depending of the version of the AC panel installed on the inverter it will be necessary to route the AC output and ground cables into different ways Single core configuration default 3xM40 cable glands 11 for the R S T phases and a M32 cable gland 12 for the groundin...

Страница 26: ... to the protection earth connection point int 28 using the washers and bolt pre installed on the M10 stud as shown in the following diagram 1 cable lug 2 flat washer 3 spring washer 4 M10 nut 1 2 3 4 R S T B A 28 ATTENTION A Depending on the version of the AC panel installed on the inverter it will be necessary to use a different protection earth connection point in order to avoid mechanical stres...

Страница 27: ...tion busbars 27 paying attention to the correspondence of the phases with the labels using the washers and the M10 nuts pre installed on the busbar as shown in the following diagram 1 cable lug 2 flat washer 3 spring washer 4 M10 nut 1 2 3 4 R S T R 300mm S T 27 ATTENTION A In case of a wrong phase sequence the inverter will not connect to the grid and it will provide an error state ATTENTION A Th...

Страница 28: ...document are TRANSFORMERLESS This type requires the use of insulated photovoltaic panels IEC61730 Class A Rating and the need to keep the photovoltaic generator floating with respect to ground no terminal of the generator must be connected to ground For the string connections it is necessary to use the quick fit connectors 18 located on the left side of the wiring box The models of the counterpart...

Страница 29: of quick fit connectors 18 Each DC disconnect switches 19 are related to a group of four MPPTs 18 19 Connect all the strings required by the system always checking the seal of the connectors PVS ATTENTION A Make sure to connect at least one string per MPPTs to prevent unbalancing between input channels ...

Страница 30: ... such as the type of panels the space availability the future location of the system energy production goals over the long term etc A configuration program that can help to correctly size the photovoltaic system is available on the ABB website http stringsizer abb com ATTENTION A When configuring DC input and during the installation it s needed to follow one basic rule to avoid possible output pow...

Страница 31: ...lector switch ABB service only S1 39 DRM0 activation switch S3 40 RS485 line 120Ohm termination resistance selector switch J2 41 Connection to the multifunction relay ALARM terminal block J1 42 Remote ON OFF terminal block J3 43 RS485 line terminal block J9 44 Ethernet connector 2 RJ45 J10 45 Ethernet connector 1 RJ45 J6 46 USB connector X2 47 CR2032 Backup battery The RS 485 connector RJ45 ABB Se...

Страница 32: ...quivalent to each other and can be used for the input or for the output of the line connecting multiple inverters in a daisy chain J10 J9 X1 J6 J1 J4 S2 S1 S3 J7 J8 J20 X2 J2 J3 1 1 8 2 3 4 1 4 1 8 7 8 2 1 44 45 The cable should be compliant to the following specification Cable type Patch or Cross type 100BaseTx CAT5e or higher For outdoor application and or in presence of strong electromagnetic s...

Страница 33: ...e mode By default the RS485 port is set as Slave mode In case the port was set as Master mode it must configured through the integrated Web User Interface refer to chapter Web User Interface to use the RS485 as a serial communication line The RS 485 port can be used to set up a line of communication which when connected to a monitoring device enables the operation of the photovoltaic system to be ...

Страница 34: ...nal connector The external switch used for Remote ON OFF should be rated for DC low voltage low current application the minimum switching current capability should be 1mA or lower READ THE MANUAL E For further information regarding the configuration and use of the Remote control terminal block please refer to the user manual 11 6 Multifunction Relay connection ALARM and AUX The inverter is equippe...

Страница 35: ...he unit is commissioned while the grid is checked this LED blinks If a valid grid voltage is detected the LED remains continuously lit as long as there is sufficient sunlight to activate the unit Otherwise the LED will continue to blink until the sunlight is sufficient for activation ALARM Indicates that the inverter has detected an anomaly This type of problem is highlighted in the Web User Inter...

Страница 36: ...cient or excessive temperature may have been activated green yellow red Ventilation anomaly Indicates ananomaly in the operation of the internal ventilation system that could limit output power at high ambient temperatures Overvoltage surge arresters triggered where fitted Indicates that any class II overvoltage surge arresters installed on the AC or DC side have been triggered Internal statistics...

Страница 37: with AC or DC sources In case of DC source is used make sure that irradiation is stable and adequate for the inverter commissioning procedure to be completed ATTENTION A At the first activation of the inverter the firmware version could syncronized between power module and wiring box During this phase the LEDs Power Alarm and GFI blinks together every 1 second This process is absolutely normal ...

Страница 38: ...nect switch 09 for the S2 SX2 wiring box version to supply the inverter with AC grid voltage In the pre commissioning phase the Alarm LED keeps quickly flashing Power and GFI LEDs are OFF Perform the installation wizard steps with ABB Installer for Solar Inverters APP enabling the transferring the settings to all the claimed inverters After the commissioning via ABB Installer for Solar Inverters A...

Страница 39: ... 55 Firefox versions from v 50 and enter the pre set IP address 192 168 117 1 to access the Web User Interface Follow the step by step commissioning wizard to complete the commission of the inverter After the settings are confirmed the inverter restarts ATTENTION A From the moment the grid standard is selected there will be 24 hours available to make any changes to the grid standard after this the...

Страница 40: ...otovoltaic array isolation control Yes according to IEC 62109 2 Residual current monitoring device Yes according to IEC 62109 2 DC switch rating for each MPPT 20 A 1500 V 35 A 1250 V 50 A 1000 V 2 String current monitoring Input current monitoring per MPPT 12ch Arc fault protection Optional Output AC Connection to the grid Three phase 3W PE TN system Nominal AC Output Power Pacr cosφ 1 175 000 W 4...

Страница 41: ...elative Humidity 4 100 with condensation Typical noise emission pressure 65 dB A 1 m Maximum operating altitude without derating 2000 m 6560 ft Environmental pollution degree classification for external environments 3 Environmental class Outdoor Climatic category according to IEC 60721 3 4 4K4H Physical Environmental Protection Rating IP 65 IP54 for the cooling section Cooling System Forced air Di...

Страница 42: ...his user manual refers are in compliance with the Directive 2014 53 EU The full text of the EU Declaration of Conformity is available at the following internet address www abb com solarinverters NOTE D Features not specifically mentioned in this data sheet are not included in the product Tightening torques Single core AC cable gland 11 M40 5 Nm PE cable gland 12 M32 5 Nm Multi core AC cable gland ...

Страница 43: ...ise au rebut appropriée de ce produit vous contribuez à sa réutilisation et à son recyclage tout en protégeant notre environnement PORTUGUÊS NEDERLASNDS SVENSKA DANSK SUOMI O símbolo do contentor com uma cruz sobreposta identifica equipamentos elétricos e eletrónicos EEE colocados no mercado após 13 de agosto de 2005 que devem ser recolhidos separadamente de acordo com a Diretiva 2012 19 UE do Par...

Страница 44: ...škoduje okolju in zdravju ljudi Z ustreznim odlaganjem tega izdelka prispevate k njegovi ponovni uporabi recikliranju in zaščiti okolja LIETUVIŲ EESTI LATVIEŠU BOSANSKI MAGYAR Perbrauktos šiukšlių dėžės su ratukais simbolis reiškia kad vadovaujantis Europos parlamento direktyva 2012 19 ES ir Tarybos direktyva dėl elektros ir elektroninės įrangos atliekų WEEE elektrinė ir elektroninė įranga EEE pat...

Страница 45: ......

Страница 46: ...iculars shall prevail ABB AG does not accept any responsibility whatsoever for potential errors or possible lack of information in this document We reserve all rights in this document and in the subject matter and illustrations contained therein Any reproduction disclosure to third parties or utilization of its contents in whole or in parts is forbidden without prior written consent of ABB AG PVS ...
