4.6.2 Reading safety slaves
The main intention with Pluto AS-i is to read and evaluate the safety slaves with its dual CPU.
A standard slave can have 4 input variables which are read separately by the master. A safety
slave has also 4 input variables, but physically only one single channel or dual channel input.
The 4 input variables are used to send a safety code, unique for each slave. The safety code is
transmitted in 8 cycles. Pluto reads the safety code, compares it with the code stored in the
memory and if they match the input in the safety slave is evaluated as on (1).
A teaching procedure must be performed at installation and exchange of safety slaves in order
to teach Pluto the correct code for each safety slave. (See programming manual.)
4.6.3 Slave types
Pluto has to be configured for the type of slave(s) that is connected to the AS-i bus. This
configuration is done in Pluto Manager and is explained in the Pluto_Programming_Manual.
Below is a short description of the different slave types that Pluto supports:
Safe Input
This is a safe slave with a single or dual channel input. For the dual channel type there is
physically a dual channel input to the slave, but in Pluto/Pluto Manager it is configured as one
input. The slave can also have up to 4 non-safe outputs.
AS-i profile: S-x.B where x depends on I/O configuration.
Nonsafe standard slaves
A non-safe standard slave can have up to 4 non-safe inputs and/or up to 4 non-safe outputs. In
Pluto both inputs and outputs are local.
AS-i profile: S-x.F where x depends on I/O configuration.
Nonsafe A/B slaves
Two A/B-slaves (one A-slave + one B-slave) share the same address number. This means that
up to 62 A/B-slaves can be used in a net, instead of 31 which is the maximum number for other
slave types. A non-safe A/B-slave can have up to 4 inputs and/or up to 3 outputs. In Pluto both
inputs and outputs are local.
AS-i profile: S-x.A where x depends on I/O configuration.
Combined Transaction A/B slaves
Pluto supports Combined Transaction slaves with 4 inputs and 4 outputs.
AS-i profile: S-7.A.7
Analogue input slaves
This is a non-safe analogue input slave which can have up to 4 input channels.
Pluto supports Analogue slaves with AS-i profile: S-7.3.x where x can be C…F depending on
number of channels. C = 1 channel, D = 2 channels, E = 4 channels, F = 4 channels.
Analogue output slaves
This is a non-safe analogue output slave which can have up to 4 output channels.
Pluto supports Analogue slaves with AS-i profile: S-7.3.x where x can be 4…6 depending on
number of channels. 4 = 1 channel, 5 = 2 channels, 6 = 4 channels.
Safe Output
A safe slave has (at this moment) one safe output, and a special function block is needed for
the PLC program. This slave is usually combined with a non-safe slave for feedback status.
Even if this non-safe slave is included in the same housing as the safe output slave they have
different addresses and they are treated as two separate slaves by Pluto. Pluto can handle up
to 16 “PlutoAsSafeInput” + “SafeOutput“ slaves.