1MRK 500 080-UEN rev. -
Signal Matrix Tool (SMT)
The SMT connects the virtual IO to the physical IO. This offers high flexibility
without the need to adjust the configuration. When a configuration has been
completed with the Application configuration tool CAP 531, the Signal Matrix
tool can be opened. This is done from the PCM 600 menu that appears when the
right mouse button is clicked on the IED symbol in the system project structure.
Changes made in the IED since the last compilation are shown at initiation.
Connect your IO. The configuration has an appropriately chosen default IO
arrangement but the tripping signals are connected to the physical IO supplied
as basic supply. Alarm signals and the like must be configured per application.
Analog signals can be connected to separate CT cores, VT fuses and so on but
different protection functions may also be connected to the same analog chan-
nels according to user preferences and the availability of analog channels.
Download the signal matrix. Changes such as reconfiguration of the analog
supply will require a full restart of the IED. Simple output signal changes on the
other hand can be executed quickly. Proceed with testing, or if settings first
need to be adjusted refer to the next section before starting tests.
Figure 9: The Signal Matrix Tool