1MRK 500 080-UEN rev. -
Communication with the IED 670
IED 670 IEDs are designed to be part of a station control system with commu-
nication gateways to a control centre. A typical system structure is illustrated
above. The following should be noted:
The following protocols are available in the current release of the IED 670: IEC61850,
IEC60870-5-103, SPA, LON, DNP 3.0, IEC61850 uses Ethernet and TCP/IP while
IEC60870-5-103, SPA, LON are serial protocols; DNP 3.0 can use both Ethernet and
serial ports.
There are several way to synchronize the internal clock of an IED 670:
via an IRIG-B input, from a station clock; the clock can provide local time of the year in this
format. The “B” in IRIG-B states that 100 bits per second are transmitted, and the message is
sent every second. After IRIG-B there is a number of figures stating if and how the signals is
modulated and the information is transmitted. To receive IRIG-B there are two connectors in
the IRIG-B module, one galvanic BNC connector and one optical ST connector. IRIG-B 12x
messages can be supplied via the galvanic interface, and IRIG-B 00x can be supplied via either
the galvanic interface or the optical interface.
via GPS satellite clock, e.g. the Meinberg LANTIME which has been verified for Network
Time Protocol (NTP) format. The clock is connected to the station bus communication switch.
Other clocks can also be used but please check back if they were verified by ABB.
the same GPS satellite clock can synchronize an IED via a binay input (B.I), with the disadvan-
tage of using copper cables over the whole substation.
The IED can also be synchronized from another IED 670 equipped with a GPS module, acting
like a SNTP server.
The Station HMI can be any type of HMI managing the IEC 61850-8-1 or the LON pro-
tocol if this is selected. The ABB Micro SCADA is verified for high performance, event
handling, and analog values, even in large stations.
Peer-to-Peer communication is made possible using both IEC 61850-8-1 with GOOSE
and LON. In the IED 670 IED the incoming signals (LON) are set up with a Command
block (Cmd) and the outgoing signals with an Event block (Ev) when the unit is config-
ured. Horizontal communication is set up with a communication tool for IEC61850 or
The communication Gateway for the control centre provides protocol conversion to the
required SCADA protocol, which today is usually DNP3.0, IEC870-5-101 or IEC870-5-
104. The Gateway provides event grouping and adapted dead bands to minimize traffic
on the link to the control centre.
Station HSI
Base System