1MRK 500 080-UEN rev. -
Fault finding
A flashing green LED indicates an internal fault. Check the IED Status menu to
find the problem. A flashing yellow LED indicates that the IED is in Test mode.
Navigate to the Test menu and switch the Operation - Off. When the yellow
LED is on and shines steadily a protection function has started and a distur-
bance report has been generated
When a red LED shines– the protection has operated and caused a trip. Reset
with the C button. If this does not work the fault is still present, or the lock-out
is activated and locked. If so reset the lock-out.
The IED Report self supervision display has the following displays. Self moni-
toring – CPU error: Indicates a CPU problem but could for example also be a
remote communication problem if the LDCM module is included.
AD error: Indicates a problem on the dataflow or values from the A/D converter
IO error: Indicates an error in communication with an IO or a fault in the IO
RTC clock: Indicates a fault in the Real Time Clock.
Time synchronization error: Error of the time synchronization, mostly caused
by time triggering signals not arriving within the time required by the IED. This
can be caused by a lost connection, a clock failure, or delayed signals caused by
software handling. In the latter case the signal will normally disappear automat-
Application problems: The function does not trip or show-up on the HMI.
Note! First check that the function is set to ON and that it is not blocked, or in
test mode.
Verify the measurement by checking Test/Function status/…… If a value is
shown the function is in operation. If so, check the connection of the function to
Trip function TRP, to Disturbance report function DRB and check that the set-
ting of the Channels in DRB are correct i.e. Settings/Monitoring/DR/. Opera-
tion = On gives trig operation. LED = On gives red LED light at activation of
channel. These settings are necessary to show the operation of the function
operation on the HMI. If the value for a protection function is not shown in the
Service report the reason can be that it does not exist, the function used is incor-
rect e.g. the incorrect library was used in CAP 531, the analog values are from
the wrong channel. Check that it is not connected to the other TRM module.
TRM1 is to the right and TRM2 to the left seen from the rear. If the Signal
Matrix Tool has been used to configure connections make sure hardware
changes are also updated in the SMT.
Figure 12: Disturbance records list viewed on
the HMI