1MRK 500 080-UEN rev. -
Application functions
The IEDs are very flexible and may include a wide range of protection and con-
trol functions. Many of these are included as basic in the “ready-to-use” IED.
The IED is delivered with a basic configuration that includes default parameter
settings. This simplifies the initial start-up of the IED. In the IED 670 series the
following examples are preconfigured default functions, included and set to
typical values: Id > (PDIF, 87), Z< (PDIS, 21), Zpsb (RPSB, 78), O->I
(RREC, 79), 3U< (PTUV, 27). These are set to ON. The default setting for
backup functions is OFF.
The configuration is available under the Basic template for the IED or can be
uploaded into the structure with the configuration tool. By default, a number of
signals are associated with the disturbance report and will show up on the dis-
play and be recorded as disturbance records. It is always possible to return to
the default configuration if problems with a specific configuration arise. IO
configurations are order specific and are therefore not included in the default
configuration. To activate inputs and outputs, configure them with the Signal
Matrix tool. For help, refer to the configuration tool section in this document.
Each protection function has a function block with both analog and binary
inputs and outputs. The function blocks are described in detail in the Technical
reference manual. The analog inputs are connected by default to a pre-process-
ing analog block in the configuration and a cross reference table is generated in
the parameter setting tool (PST) which is part of the PCM 600. Ensure that the
analog signals connected to the function blocks are checked so that the correct
inputs are fed with analog signals when testing. Binary signals are connected
with the configuration tool.
A number of logical elements are available giving the user enough flexibility to
create his own applications. OR gates are useful as several signals cannot be
connected to one input. An OR gate then allows the user to tie any combination
to a single binary output or functional input. OR gates also allow a combination
of signals such as the creation of alarm groups which are connected to IO ports.
Consider also the debug possibilities where the status can be seen on-line since
this can be very useful when testing is performed. Each ordered function can be
included in the configuration with the configuration tool, but can also be left in
the library for future use. How to test the functions is described in the Installa-
tion and commissioning manual.
Figure 11: Application configuration.
Figure 1: Logic diagram.