… 9 Diagnosis / error messages
… Error messages during operation and with data entry
Error code and clear text
Possible cause
Corrective action
Error: A
Max. alarm
10, 11
Max alarm limit value.
The configured Max alarm for the
flow rate was up-scaled.
Reduce flowrate.
Error: B
Min. alarm
Min alarm limit value
The configured Min alarm for the flow
rate was down-scaled.
Increase the flow rate.
Error: C
Ext. Database
External database FRAM is
defective or not available.
Missing FRAM or defective FRAM
Install and screw in place the FRAM for the
relevant flowmeter sensor to the connection
board in the field housing unit. Refer to
on page 46. If the FRAM cannot
be read, it must be replaced.
Error: D
Old sensor
Sensor type from the older model
sensor series was selected.
Configuration in the parameter
‘Primary Setup’ is incomplete.
Please complete parameter configuration in
‘Primary Setup’. See also chapter 11 of the
operating instruction.
Error: E
DC too high
Increased analog reset,
measurement signal with large
DC marked
Air bubbles, deposits on electrodes,
too high interference signal. Empty
measuring tube.
Activate ‘Noise reduction‘ in the operating
mode submenu. Use a de-aerator, clean
electrodes, activate empty conduit detector.
Contact ABB Service.
Error: F
FRAM in sensor
Missing data from external
FRAM for the flowmeter sensor is still
installed in the terminal box.
Install and screw in place the FRAM for the
relevant flowmeter sensor to the connection
board in the field housing unit. Refer to
Error: G
Diagnosis error
Diagnosis or wiring error
Min-Max over/undershoot for
diagnostic values.
Retrieve details of error message under the
Status submenu in the Wiring error register.
Where applicable, Adjust limit value.
Wiring error for electrode circuit. Coil
short-circuit to ground
Retrieve details of error message under the
Status submenu in the Wiring error register.
1) Replacing a defective FRAM. If the FRAM is defective and commissioning cannot be performed, a new FRAM can be requested from the Göttingen plant. To
properly process requests, you must include the ABB order number and device number of the sensor. After installing the FRAM and switching on the power
supply, you can commission the system. Review all sensor data and setup data for the system, and enter this information again, if necessary.