42/24-12-2 EN
Advance Optima Ex Analyzer Modules Operator’s Manual
Special Safety Instructions for Operating Explosion-Protected
Analyzer Modules
Observe Safety
Before starting any work on the Ex analyzer module, observe all explosion-
protection safety precautions.
Do Not Work Where
There is a Risk of
While there is a risk of explosion, do not work on current-bearing components,
except intrinsically safe circuits, and do not work with equipment that poses an
ignition hazard.
Potential Compen-
sation Connection
The connection to the local potential compensation point must be made before all
other connections.
Risks of a
Protective Lead
The Ex analyzer module can be hazardous if potential compensation is interrupted
inside or outside the Ex analyzer module or if the potential compensation connec-
tion is interrupted.
Risks Involved in
Opening the Covers
Current-bearing components can be exposed when covers or parts are removed,
even if this can be done without tools. Current can be present at some connection
Risks Involved in
Working with an Open
Ex Analyzer Module
The Ex analyzer module must be disconnected from all power sources before
being opened for any work. All work on an Ex analyzer module that is open and
connected to power should only be performed by trained personnel who are
familiar with the risks involved.
While connected to power, the Ex analyzer module housing should only be opened
when the surrounding environment does not pose an explosion threat.
Charged Capacitors
The Ex analyzer module power supply capacitors require 10 minutes to discharge
after the system is disconnected from all power sources. Observe the safety
precautions indicated on the housing.
Sample Gas Supply
When working with combustible sample gases, shut off the gas supply before
opening the Ex analyzer module housing.
When Safe Operation
Can no Longer be
If it can be assumed that safe operation is no longer possible, the Ex analyzer
module should be taken out of service and protected against inadvertent use.
The possibility of safe operation is excluded:
If the Ex analyzer module is visibly damaged
If the Ex analyzer module no longer operates
After prolonged storage under adverse conditions
After severe transport stresses